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Gloucestershire Safeguarding Children Partnership


Gloucestershire Safeguarding Children Partnership (GSCP) exists to promote and ensure the safety, health, welfare and wellbeing of children and young people countywide. The GSCP remain open to learning and improving in order to deal with the many challenges and opportunities presented by a rapidly changing world.

Working Together 2018 represents a significant milestone in the development of the GSCP's collective arrangements to safeguard children and young people in Gloucestershire. It places a ‘shared and equal duty’ on NHS Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group, Gloucestershire Constabulary and Gloucestershire County Council for local arrangements. The GSCP embrace those responsibilities and view this as a real opportunity to further embed child safeguarding considerations across their own agencies and the wider local partnership under the banner of the “Gloucestershire Safeguarding Children Partnership” (GSCP).  

The GSCP's published arrangements allow them to build on past practice but also to develop their own local approach. Learning from past incidents and embedding that learning within their organisations are matters that can now develop along local lines reflecting Gloucestershire's collective commitment towards a trauma informed and restorative approach to practice, informed by the learning from Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). 


The Purpose of GSCP

The Gloucestershire Safeguarding Children Partnership (GSCP) is responsible for co-ordinating what is done by each person or organisation represented on the Board for the purposes of safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children in Gloucestershire - and checking that what they do is effective. The Board functions include making sure safeguarding policies are in place; communicating the need to safeguard children; evaluating the effectiveness of what is done by Board partners to safeguard children; and making sure lessons are learnt from Serious Case Reviews. The GSCP also delivers, monitors and evaluates multi-agency training for a variety of frontline staff who work with children and young people.

The Executive of the Board is the committee that oversees the work of the sub groups, feeding information up to the larger Board. In the other direction, it takes information, ideas and concerns from the Board and considers how this should be actioned and which sub groups should be responsible. (Details of the GSCP Subgroups can be found by clicking the link to the left of this page).


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Learning and Improvement Framework

In June 2011, the GSCP introduced a Quality Assurance framework. The framework has been reviewed and updated in line with new versions of Working Together to Safeguard Children, the most recent review was in October 2015 following the release of Working Together to Safeguard Children 2015.

Download the Learning and Improvement Framework - Nov 2016



What to do if You are Worried About a Child or Young Person

If you have an urgent safeguarding concern for a child or young person, please call MASH on 01452 426 565 and select option 3. 
If you wish to speak to a community social worker, please send your request, email and phone number to . Please also share the child's name and DOB so that they can read any relevant history.

Contact details for your local Early Help and Targeted Support Service team: 

Alternatively, if you ring 01452 426565 and select option 2, you will be transferred to the Early Help service for their response. Please contact the Community Social Work team in the first instance where possible. If you are unable to get through to the Community Social Work Team straight away, please leave your name, contact details, and best time and date to call you back


Safeguarding in Education




Tagged under: GSCP, safeguarding

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