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About Us

The Songwriting Charity

Songwriting charity


Aims and Offers

Dedicated to the empowerment of youth through the art and craft of songwriting, the work of the charity addresses the emotional health and wellbeing of children of all abilities.

Offering unique one-day workshops and wider performance programmes that seek to address the core themes of GHLL, the charity provides children with opportunities to sing, write lyrics, perform and record their ideas both individually and as a team - evaluating their progress and actively supporting the progress of their friends every step of the way.

Recorded material is then available free for children to download and schools can use the songs for presentations, assemblies, special events or for use out in the wider community.

Their paper based impact measures align with GHLL’s reporting tool, and therefore, their work with you can count as an intervention towards your GHLL award.

Over the years The Songwriting Charity have found that joining up their efforts with local and regional initiatives, ensuring their work is relevant for the children who are creating the songs, is the best way to make a lasting impression and improve the overall wellbeing of workshop participants. 


Further Information

To book a workshop or learn more about the charity, contact Nathan Timothy:

Visit the website. 

See exemplar work in Gloucestershire on YouTube.

Listen to their work in Gloucestershire on SoundCloud.





Tagged under: behaviour, healthy lifestyles, well-being, resilience, mental health, self esteem

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