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Teens in Crisis (TIC)

Are you a teen who needs help? Call 01594 372777 or text 07520 634063


Exciting changes ahead....

For the last 30 years, we’ve been proud to serve young people as Teens in Crisis, and more recently as TIC+. However, as times change, so does language. We’ve come to realise that our name has, in some cases, become a barrier to young people accessing our services. As we’ve grown and evolved, we’ve reflected on who we are today and where we’re headed—and after 30 years, it’s time for a change. Over the past 15 months, we’ve worked closely with young people, parents, staff, commissioners, and a talented design agency to ensure our new name truly reflects our mission. We’re delighted to share that from 14th April 2025, TIC+ will become Talk Well.

Our new name encapsulates what we do: providing a safe space for children, young people, and families to talk and be heard. This change allows us to better communicate our purpose and connect with those who need us most. While our name, logo, and colours may be changing, our heart remains the same. This is an evolution, not a revolution—our values, ethos, and the support we offer will not change.

To learn more about our rebrand, we invite you to watch our short video here:


TIC+ provides non-judgemental, face-to-face and online counselling services for young people, family counselling, parent support and psycho-educational workshops. The charity works hard to ensure that their service is as accessible as possible.

The TIC+ mission: To improve, preserve and promote good mental health and well-being among young people and their families.

The TIC+ vision: That every young person in crisis has someone to talk to.

Visit the website to learn more of about TIC+ and the services they provide.



Support for Young People 

TIC+chat is an anonymous, safe, confidential, 1-2-1, support service for young people aged 9-25 living in Gloucestershire. Young people can call or live-message a friendly, trained team member to discuss anything that is troubling them. 

Open Hours: Sunday - Thursday 5pm-9pm 

PLEASE NOTE: The team are not be able to start new chats after 8.30pm

(Closed Friday and Saturday)

Phone: 0300 308 8080


A video about the help and services available from TIC+. 


Download the TIC+ Chat poster 



Support for Parents 

The Parent Support service is for parents and carers living in Gloucestershire who are worried about the mental health and emotional wellbeing of the their child (age 9-25). The service is funded by NHS Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group. Services include: 


Parent Support Groups 

Research demonstrates that involving parents in supporting their child’s emotional/mental health and wellbeing, ensures young people have better experiences and more positive outcomes. The Parent Support Group service is for parents living in Gloucestershire who are worried about the mental health and emotional wellbeing of their child (between the ages of 11-18).  Providing parent support is also shown to prevent later use of both physical and mental health services. Previous pilot groups run by TIC+ have shown that parents continue to meet and support each other after the formal group ends!  

Download the parenting support leaflet 

Download the parenting support poster



The TIC+ Live Impact Dashboard

TIC+ are committed to honest and transparent social impact reporting. Their Live Impact Dashboard can be accessed year round for an immediate snapshot of their social impact, including successes and challenges.
TIC+ are believed to be the first Mental Health charity in the UK to produce a dashboard of live data, reflecting the true picture of the mental health needs of the children and young people they work with. This is especially vital right now as we come out of COVID and are starting to see the lasting effect this has had on children and young people.  Built on anonymised data from their own service user database, the dashboard shows real time information on issues, demographics, tends and importantly, the impact that early intervention can achieve. The charity believes this dashboard is a real ‘game changer’ in promoting wider understanding, informing development, and commissioning and sharing learning. 


Impact on Children and Young People Report

This report has been produced by TIC+ and was the charity's attempt to better understand the increase in risk that service users seem to be experiencing. It was undertaken by conducting broad research into the impact COVID 19 had on the children and young people seeking and receiving counselling; focus groups of 38 members of the clinical team identified the presenting experienced of approximately 300 children and young people in Gloucestershire

The results provide insight into some of the pressures and issues young people are facing as result of the pandemic that may be resulting in the increase in high-risk behaviours. Five key themes, with several sub themes, emerged; existential issues, education based issues, changes in activity, home/parental issues and health anxieties all featured highly in the experience of the clinicians who took part in the research.



InTER-ACT consists of three, hour-long workshops delivered live-online. Based on the principles of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) the programme is designed to help young people learn new ways of managing difficult thoughts and feelings so that they can do more of what matters to them. The sessions will be delivered on Tuesday evenings. There are two different time options; the Early Bird at 6pm and the Late Owl at 7.30pm. There will never be more than a two week wait to start the programme (apart from some holiday periods).

Having attended the InTER-ACT sessions we anticipate some young people will need no further support. For those that do, the program will prepare and equip them with helpful information and strategies, so they can then go on to make the most of their individual sessions. 

The programme is being evaluated by researchers from Cardiff University. We aim to use the learning from the study to further develop the programme and to pave the way for a variety of other possible workshops in future.

View the flyer for further information 

What is InTER-ACT?
The programme is designed to help young people learn new ways of managing difficult thoughts and feelings so that they can do more of what matters to them. The InTER-ACT program was developed by Clinical Psychologists, Dr Victoria Samuel and Dr Chloe Constable, and has been evaluated and revised based on research including feedback from young people. InTER-ACT will be delivered to young people live, online - webinar style using the ZOOM platform. Participants’ videos and microphones are turned off at all times, but young people will be able to see and hear the presenters. The sessions are live, and include a combination of engaging slides, videos, and interactive, anonymous polls and quizzes. Although participants won’t be able to chat privately to each other, they will be able to private message the presenters if they have questions about the material presented.  

Who is it for:
The program has been developed with school years 7-10 (11-15 year olds) in mind, however, any young person aged 9-25 is welcome to join providing they live or attend school/college or are registered with a GP in Gloucestershire.

Booking a place on an InTER-ACT workshop
To book, the young person will need an email address (can be a parent/carer’s). If they don’t have access to an email they can contact the referral team for help!

If the young person has never used TIC+ before (or has only ever used the TIC+chat anonymous service), they will first need to complete a short registration form (or a parent or someone they trust can do it for them) – this can be accessed directly from the website. It takes a few minutes, and only needs to be done once. Once registered they will be given a unique client number and can then book on to any future workshop of their choice using the booking links on the calendar on the InTER-ACT page of the website.  

Doing the sessions in order:
There are three sessions and they need to be done in order, it’s best to do them over three consecutive weeks if possible. The sessions will be repeated frequently, so if a session is missed it will only be a few weeks to wait for the next available session. It will also be possible to repeat sessions done previously. 

InTER-ACT Session Content:

Session one – ‘Thoughts Are Just Thoughts’

  • Have you ever wondered why your thoughts are often so negative? In this workshop participants will learn why our minds tend to jump to the worst-case scenario, plus how easy it is to get caught up in these unhelpful experiences. They’ll then be introduced to a technique to help them to untangle these thoughts.

Key features:

-          Introduction to InTER-ACT

-          Evolutionary explanation as to why our thoughts can be so negative

-          The myth of controlling thoughts

-          How to get untangled from negative thoughts

Session two – ‘Connecting to the Moment’

  • How easy do you find it to focus on what’s happening right now? Following on from the first workshop, participants will learn about how our minds often drift back to the past or skip forward to the future and how this can create difficult feelings for individuals in the present. They’ll then talk about the benefits of connecting to the moment and techniques that can help them to do this.

Key features:

-          The myth of controlling emotions

-          Importance of connecting to the moment, rather than focusing on the past or future

-          Mindfulness practices and acceptance

-          Pause, Observe, Describe

Session three – ‘Taking Steps Towards What Matters’

  • In the final InTER-ACT workshop, participants will discuss values – what they are, why they’re important, and how to take small steps towards them. They will then bring together everything they’ve learnt to help improve their wellbeing.

Key features:

-          What are values

-          What matters to you?

-          Living life in line with our values

-          Putting everything together

Tic+ are really excited to be launching this new service and hope it will make a difference to the lives of many young people!


Tagged under: teens in crisis, parent support, online text chat, impact report, bothering you, InTER-ACT, ACT, acceptance and commitment therapy

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