Anti Bullying Work

Resources for Schools
Anti-bullying week 2023: 5 ways we support schools to deal with bullying

A new post, “Anti-bullying week 2023: 5 ways we support schools to deal with bullying” has just been published on the The Education Hub blog.
Bullying in school or college can have a devastating effect on children, young people and their families. We’re committed to helping schools tackle bullying, supporting them to create a calm environment where everyone feels safe. Here are 5 ways we’re helping schools to prevent bullying.
1. Relationships, sex and health education (RSHE) Our relationships, sex and health education (RSHE) guidance supports schools to build a curriculum that reflects diversity of views and backgrounds. It encourages respect for others and teaches young people about healthy relationships. RSHE includes teaching about bullying, positive friendships, and equality. For example, young people might learn about different.....Read the new post:

This assembly explores some of differences that exist within the LGBT community. It draws on what we know of young trans people's experiences in schools in the UK today, as shown in the 2017 School Report, and seeks to empower schools to tackle this type of bullying head on. It also aims to dispel common myths and misconceptions.
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Creating a Whole School Approach to Anti-Bullying

A Process Guide for Staff to Implement in School - A whole school approach is where every person who is part of a school, irrespective of their position, is not only aware of the school's approach to tackling bullying, but participates in its delivery. All attempts to adopt a whole school approach would require participation and involvement from every member of the school community; everybody has a role to play.
Work has been initiated within the county to improve the provision for responding to bullying within our educational settings. By utilising the data from the Gloucestershire Online Pupil Survey, individual schools have used this information to inform the construction of an effective anti-bullying policy, working alongside the safeguarding measures in place within the school.
Some schools have been involved with the Healthy Schools Plus work and have chosen to tackle bullying as part of their intervention work to increase the awareness of bullying within the school.
Sadly, bullying WILL happen in schools but we must ensure that all children and young people within our county gain confidence to report these incidences so that they can be dealt with promptly and effectively by schools. Certainly since 2006, the Gloucestershire Online Pupil Survey has shown throughout the county bullying has decreased in schools and that pupils report their confidence in how schools are dealing with bullying is increasing.
Improved practice reduces the number of incidents of bullying and increases the effectiveness of handling incidents.

Stonewall Resources
'Are You a Boy or a Girl?' - Primary Lesson Plan
This lesson plan has been designed to support you in your discussion of gender, gender stereotyping and gender identity with your pupils. The story, "Are you a boy or are you a girl?" lends itself to discussions of what it might mean to question your gender, and help support pupils who are gender variant and their classmates.
Based on the book 'Are you a boy or are you a girl?' by Sarah Savage and Fox Fisher.

Anti-Bullying Alliance Campaigns, Resources and Training
It takes a collective responsibility to stop bullying. The Anti-Bullying Alliance produces:
What is being done to help combat bullying in Education?
A new post, “What we are doing to help combat bullying in education” has just been published on the The Education Hub blog.
Bullying in school or college can have a devastating effect on children, young people and their families. Last year, we confirmed funding for five leading organisations, worth over £1m in total, to support schools and colleges as part of their …
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