Online Educational Support
Coronavirus: how to build resilience and ease tensions
British red cross have produced a comprehensive Kindness and wellbeing teaching resouce
Helping your learners be kind to their mind is important during these uncertain times. These new activities will help to develop resilience, ease household tensions and build empathy. The activities are suitable for late KS1 and KS2 (7 to 18 years), will help children and young people build resilience, boost wellbeing and explore the importance of kindness. All resources are available on downloadable documents which can be shared with parents or students themselves and link to engaging videos, creative ideas and real-life stories.
These websites have been identified by some of the country’s leading educational experts and offer a wide range of support and resources for pupils of all ages.
The list includes subject-specific resources for:
They are currently being offered for free.
Individual resources cannot replace a school’s properly planned curriculum, and the resources in this list are not intended to do so.
They may be useful for parents in considering how they could support their children’s education, but they should not be used in place of existing resources which schools may be using as part of their continued provision for pupils’ education at this time.
Schools may also wish to explore this initial list of resources as they consider how they continue to support children’s education.
We will review and update the list over time. Details on how that will work will be provided in the coming weeks.
This list of resources is not exhaustive and there are many other resources available to schools.
Before using these resources, you should refer to the guidance ‘Coronavirus (COVID-19): safeguarding in schools, colleges and other providers’, which has further information on how to keep children safe online.
National Literacy Trust

How to keep your children reading during school closures
In these unprecedented times, it’s never been more important to establish a culture of reading at home as a family. Fiona Evans, our own Head of Schools' Programmes, explores some of the ways families can support their child’s reading at home.
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With education institutions closed across the UK, we wanted to let you know that LifeSkills created with Barclays, the free employability programme, is here to help - starting with our dedicated support hubs for educators, parents and young people
If you are looking for activities for young people to complete at home, our student hub has many interactive tools, films and activities to encourage independent study.
Our parent support hub is also full of information; by reading our parent blogs and a new advice page specific to current circumstances, they too will be able to support their children with LifeSkills resources.
Access a range of lesson plans, toolkits and quick-fire activities for use with children who still need to attend school, as well as resources suitable for virtual delivery, through our educator hub.
We’ve included a selection of content below that could be useful, whether you are busy planning or still going into work throughout the Easter holidays. To explore over 100 hours of free resources sign up here
Help students to manage wellbeing with activities from our adaptable toolkit
Student wellbeing might need greater attention in the upcoming months. Work through the ice breaker activities together in a virtual learning environment; set the case studies as independent reading; or use the whole toolkit with students still in school and college to ensure wellbeing remains a priority for young people.

Young Enterprise has always focused on the skills development of young people aged 4 to 24. Having considered the best way that we can support you right now we have created a free toolkit for teachers which provides a broad range of ready-to-go activities and materials that are easily used for home learning. We felt that these would be the best way of supporting the delivery of a broad and balanced curriculum in a home learning environment.

To accompany the teacher toolkit we have also developed a toolkit for parents – providing guidance on how certain activities and resources could be used by them in the home to enrich learning.

Using our experience and knowledge of the ways in which soldiers gain confidence, we have developed a set of online educational resources that help to develop your pupils’ confidence-building skills. These home learning resources will equip your students with the mindset to overcome mental and physical challenges, grow their self-confidence and build vital skills that will last a lifetime.
Our home learning resources are packed with ideas about how your pupils can get out of their comfort zone and encourages them to think about how they can build their confidence. Our free, online resources explore multiple topics from mindfulness and having a growth mindset, to celebrating success and turning criticism into constructive feedback, all of which can build and develop their self-confidence.
School Wellbeing Activity Programme
We have created a wellbeing journal filled with challenges and activities to keep children happy, healthy and active whilst at home.
The journal is based on the four pillars of SWAP; how I eat, how I sleep, how I move, how I feel, and is aimed at children, but is a great resource for teachers and parents too and can support remote learning.

Set your class one of the daily challenges and they can record the results in their journal. From inventing their favourite smoothie, recording the quality of their sleep, to building a home gym and expressing how they are feeling, the journal encourages children to look after their overall wellbeing.
There are two versions available for download on our website, one for print and an interactive version at We hope you find this resource useful and a fun way for your children to stay happy, healthy and active. Please feel free to share the link with children, parents and teachers.
SEAL have great lessons to help children understand and deal with the coronavirus situation. They were developed in Australia because of the bush fires but they are SO relevant to what our children are going through. Use them if you are in school teaching children or with some adaptations use them for ZOOM or Microsoft Teams online lessons. Help children deal with changes they are experiencing from Coronavirus
Five steps to help with children's wellbeing
In a society where children are feeling more under pressure than ever, helping children with their emotional wellbeing is a concern for many parents and teachers alike. But how can we help?

Clinical psychologist and special guest for BBC Teach's The Growth Mindset and Wellbeing Lesson, Dr Hazel Harrison, has put together five easy steps to promote children's wellbeing - as well as our own. Five ways to keep your children occupied (and learning!) at home
Online educational resources
Teaching from home: advice for teachers and parents In these difficult and unusual times, whether you are at school or at home, BBC Teach is here to help and support you with our huge range of educational resources. Use them yourself or tell your students' parents about them. They will be grateful for some fun, home-learning activities and resources.
BBC Teach
BBC Teach's video resources cover every subject from art and design to science. There are hundreds of short, educational films to explore covering relevant curriculum topics.

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BBC Bitesize - Activities and guides for 11 to 14-year-olds
BBC Bitesize has hundreds of fun and engaging curriculum-linked guides and activities which students can use independently. Just choose your nation of study, pick a subject and you will see a list of key curriculum topics.
Want to know more?

BBC Teach - Secondary Live Lessons
BBC Teach Live Lessons are curriculum-linked video lessons, complete with downloadable resources, covering topics in English, maths and science. They can be watched at any time. You may spot some well-known BBC faces!

BBC Teach - Video resources for 14 to 16-year-olds
BBC Teach's video resources cover every subject from art and design to science. There are hundreds of short, educational films covering relevant curriculum topics to explore.
Find out more
BBC Teach - Secondary Live Lessons
BBC Teach Live Lessons are curriculum-linked video lessons, complete with downloadable resources, covering topics in core subjects but also careers. They can be watched at any time. You may spot some well-known BBC faces!