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Domestic Abuse, Sexual Exploitation and Consent - Key Stage 5

Domestic Abuse


Domestic Abuse


  • Helping a friend who is experiencing domestic abuse - A poster including safety advice for young people on how to help a friend who may be experiencing domestic abuse or teenage relationship abuse, created by STREET.

  • Workshops for schools and colleges - Hollie Gazzard Trust helps reduce domestic violence through creating and delivering programmes on domestic abuse and promoting healthy relationships to schools and colleges. 


Policy Development Guidance for Employers 

This 2019 guidance exists to support organisations producing domestic abuse and sexual violence policies. 


Tackling Domestic Abuse in Gloucestershire

In Gloucestershire 38% of violent offences reported to the police are domestic abuse and 78% of victims are female.

Gloucestershire's Domestic Abuse Strategy focuses on five key priorities that will aim to meet the vision for Gloucestershire to be a county where domestic abuse is not tolerated and everybody can live free from domestic abuse and harm. 

Priority 1: Prevention and early intervention. By tackling the underlying causes of domestic abuse and promoting healthy relationships, the partnership aims to prevent the normalisation of abusive relationship behaviours, along with providing support at the earliest opportunity to prevent further harm. 

Priority 2: Multi-agency working and pathway development. Agencies will work together to effectively share information, risk assess and collaborate in their response to victims, perpetrators and their families, with clear pathways into specialist support.

Priority 3: Workforce development. To provide a robust countywide response to domestic abuse, professionals across all organisations will be trained to identify and respond effectively to those vulnerable to domestic abuse both within the community and the workplace.

Priority 4: High quality domestic abuse services for victims and their families. Agencies will work together to ensure these services are easily accessible to all victims and be available at the right time to secure their immediate safety and support their longer term recovery from abuse. This includes support provided in safe accommodation, in line with the new statutory duties outlined by the Domestic Abuse Act 2021.

Priority 5: Breaking the cycle of perpetrator behaviour. To break the cycle of domestic abuse and create lasting change for victims and their children, we need to address perpetrator behaviour, holding individuals to account.

The strategy has been informed by the views of victims of domestic abuse and promises to keep working with victims and their families and the community to continually improve our local response to the crime.

Read the full strategy here


Unhealthy Relationships 


Unhealthy Relationships Guidance for FE Settings

Mentally Healthy Schools have launched guidance for staff in FE settings to help them educate and support students around the topic of unhealthy relationships. The resource includes information on:

  • Risk factors for unhealthy relationships
  • Coercive control
  • Signs to spot in students
  • How to talk to a student if you're concerned
  • Who else to involve

View the guidance here


Tackling Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy 2021-2024

Violence against women and girls is an unacceptable, preventable issue which blights the lives of millions. Crimes of violence against women and girls are many and varied. They include rape and other sexual offences, stalking, domestic abuse, ‘honour-based’ abuse (including female genital mutilation and forced marriage and ‘honour’ killings), ‘revenge porn’ and ‘upskirting’, as well as many others. While different types of violence against women and girls have their own distinct causes and impacts on victims and survivors, what these crimes share is that they disproportionately affect women and girls.

The strategy focuses on priority areas:

  • Understanding Violence Against Women and Girls
  • Prioritising prevention
  • Supporting victims
  • Pursuing perpetrators
  • A stronger system
  • Delivery

Click here to read the full Strategy.


Ending Gender-Based Violence and Abuse in Young People's Relationships

Tender has worked in partnership with the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC), teachers, youth workers and partner organisations, to develop the activities and resources within this toolkit to effectively engage young people on the issues of gender-based abuse, including relationship abuse and sexual violence.

Click here to view the Teacher's Toolkit 




  • The Crown Prosecution Service has a playlist on its YouTube channel which is dedicated to the topic of rape and consent. Explore the playlist here 
  • Shore has guides online dealing with a range of topics from consent, sex and the law, online sexual behaviour.  Explore the guides here. 
  • Disrespect Nobody Archive has and archive of videos, information anad advice on the topics of sexting, relationship abuse, consent, rape, porn, and harassment. 
  • Give and Get is a GHLL resource for secondary schools which promotes understanding of consent and healthy relationships. 
  • Beyond Referrals is a project under the Contextual Safeguarding programme focussing on peer to peer abuse in schoolsYoung people report that schools are locations where students can encounter sexual harm.This can involve a range of harmful sexual behaviours from name-calling and sexual bullying to sexual assault. Beyond Referrals have created a range of resources for schools, multi-agency partnerships and inspectorates for tackling harmful sexual behaviour in schools. The Beyond Referrals self-assessment toolkits are free to access and should be used to identify what you are doing well to mitigate against the harm risks in your school or college, and, importantly, to identify areas for development and improvement. The harms young people may face outside of their homes are constantly evolving, and no school will get everything right all the time.


Child Sexual Exploitation


'My Dangerous Loverboy'

The hard-hitting film titled 'My Dangerous Loverboy' that tells the story of Jade, a girl who is groomed by her boyfriend Raz and then sexually exploited. This leads to her being trafficked and entrapped in a town far away from home.

A multimedia healthy relationship educational resource titled 'Love and Lies' for use by professionals with young people aged 12-17 years in schools.

  • We strongly advise professionals working with young people to watch the film first and familiarise themselves with further support material to be found within the Love or Lies Education resource pack. (Produced in 2012 so whilst some statistics will now be different, the essence of the relationship lesson plans remain timeless.) 

    This film, (approx 20mins) commissioned in 2008, tackles the issue of child sexual exploitation in a sensitive yet direct and forthright way that some viewers may find distressing.

    Download the film here 


Support and Self-Help for Students 


  • Mapping The Maze - Specific services for women affected by substance misuse, mental distress, homelessness, involvement in offending and more complex needs services can be found on this map. Where possible, the exact location of the service has been used. Where this was not safe, the service has been mapped to the main council office in the local authority area.




Sexual harassment in schools: A guide for teachers Are we doing enough to challenge sexist comments? Are we making gender based assumptions? As teachers, are we creating a safe classroom by asking tough questions? Sexual harassment and violence are rooted in rigid and binary gender norms. These norms cause under-representation of girls studying physics at A-level and boys taking up careers in nursing. These norms mean that girls get teased for playing sport, an allegedly “masculine” pursuit. These same norms feed into the idea that girls’ bodies are inherently sexual and enticing to boys and men, who cannot control their desires.

Statement from CPS RE: Male Victims of DASV

This statement outline the CPS support for male victims of domestic abuse, rape, sexual offences, stalking, forced marriage, honour-based violence, child abuse, prostitution, human trafficking focusing on sexual exploitation, pornography and obscenity. Click on the title above for the full article.


Gloucestershire Campaign


During the 16 days of Action Against Gender-Based Violence; 25th November-10th December 2017; Gloucestershire will be supporting the UK SAYS NO MORE campaign to raise awareness of Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence.

The campaign aims to raise awareness of domestic abuse and sexual violence; eradicating stigma and shame, and starting conversations within the community. Originally launched in 2013, the campaign aims to raise public awareness and engage bystanders in ending domestic abuse and sexual violence.

Locally the campaign supports the message that Gloucestershire takes a stand against Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence; we have a zero tolerance approach to DASV and it is everyone’s responsibility to keep people safe.

How to get involved:

  • Print the UK SAYS NO MORE Poster Pledge
  • Fill in an excuse/myth linked to DASV that you wish to raise awareness of, such as ‘what was she wearing’/‘Why didn’t she tell anyone’.
  • Strike a pose! Take a picture of you holding the poster pledge
  • Upload your photo to social media: Facebook/ Twitter/ Instagram, using:



Pledges will also be shared to the UK SAYS NO MORE social media links


Time to Listen



Click on the image to read the full report




'Time to listen' - a joined up response to child sexual exploitation and missing children - September 2016

Tackling child sexual exploitation can be done. The five joint targeted area inspections (JTAIs) have found evidence of progress being made in many local areas, which is resulting in better support for children at risk of, or subject to, child sexual exploitation.

There is, however, no room for complacency. More can be done to ensure that all children and young people receive consistently good support from all agencies and in
all areas. Poor practice by some professionals and some key agencies means that some children at risk of exploitation still do not get the response they need quickly enough.

Responding effectively to child sexual exploitation requires all partners to take responsibility for their own work and to work collaboratively with each other.

What Is Gaslighting? Gaslighting Is A Type Of Psychological Abuse In Which The Abuser Denies The Victim’s Reality.

3rd February - 9th February 2020






HopeHouse Sexual Assault Referral Centre - Male Poster

We offer medical care, emotional support, and practical help and advice to anyone who has been raped or sexually assaulted.  Ring 300 421 8400 (06/02/2020)









 HopeHouse Sexual Assault Referral Centre - Female Poster 

It's OK to tell someone, never give up hope.   Ring 033 421 8400












5 days, 5 years 50 years.  It's never too late to get the support you deserve.  We're here for you












Modern Slavery: 

Statutory Guidance for England & Wales (published June 2021) CLICK HERE to read the full document

Modern Slavery is a serious and often hidden crime in which people are exploited for criminal gain. The impact can be devastating for the victims. Modern slavery comprises slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour and human trafficking. There were an estimated 40 million people in slavery globally in 2016 and 10,000 –13,000 potential victims in the UK, however many victims are not identified or reported. The common factors are that a victim is, or is intended to be, used or exploited for someone else’s (usually financial) gain, without respect for their human rights. The perpetrators seeking to take advantage of them could be private individuals, running small businesses or part of a wider organised crime network. For adult victims, there will be some element of coercion involved, such as threats, use of force, deception, or abuse of power. For example, perpetrators may:

  • Find out personal information about the victim and then use threats against their family in order to manipulate and control the victim.
  • Use the victim’s fears about their immigration status to control them.
  • Deceive them with false promises of legitimate jobs.

There are many more examples. Victims may appear to give consent, but in reality they have little ability to choose leave the exploitative situation and the perpetrators have still committed a crime. Child victims and vulnerable adults are not able to give informed consent and therefore exploitation even without any element of coercion could constitute modern slavery.


Gloucestershire Anti Slavery Partnership  

The Gloucestershire Anti Slavery Partnership is a multi-agency response to the evils of human trafficking and modern slavery within the county.

Bringing together a number of key local agencies that could come into contact with potential victims and perpetrators of these crimes, the purpose of the partnership is to tackle these issues at a local level through strategic collaboration, information and intelligence sharing, in accordance with the Government’s 4Ps modern slavery strategy: Pursue, Protect, Prevent and Prepare. 

CLICK HERE to read more

Free Modern Slavery training available for all staff, partners and members CLICK HERE for more information

THIS LINK Brings together documents and promotional material related to the government’s work to end modern slavery


Stop the Traffik

There are many forms of human trafficking

Human trafficking and modern slavery are thought to be amongst the most widespread crimes in the world, affecting millions of the men, women and children each day. Resources for use with young people, covering what human trafficking is, how it affects your life and the lives of others, and what you can do to combat it. Broken down into simpler terms, this means human trafficking is made up of three elements:

  • Movement or recruitment by
  • Deception of coercion for
  • The purpose of exploitation

To read more click on the image above.

Case Studies

Kayleigh's Love Story - Kayleigh's Love Story is a film highlighting the last 13 days of the life of 15 year old Kayleigh Haywood. The Leicestershire schoolgirl was groomed online by Luke Harlow, a man she had never met, before being raped and murdered by his next door neighbour Stephen Beadman.

The film has been made to serve as a warning to children and adults of the dangers of grooming and sexual exploitation following Kayleigh's tragic death in November 2015.





19/07/17 Blasting News - In a world full of threats, how far can we go to protect ourselves?

Car License Plate

A woman took a photograph of a man’s license plate before getting into his car. He wasn’t happy. He tweeted, that before getting into his car, his date took a photograph of his #license plate to text to her friends. He stated that he left her after this happened. The woman's precautions, ensuring that her friend would be able to trace the car should she go missing, offended him enough to walk away!

Winter 2016 - Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Briefing Sheet - This briefing sheet is produced with the support of the DASV Implementation Group.

Our Community Against Domestic Abuse & Sexual Violence - 16 Days of Action




Topics covered:

Honour-based violence, consent, emotional abuse, FGM, financial abuse, forced marriage, LGB&T, physical abuse, porn, rape, relational abuse, sexting, sexual assault. 





 Refuge charity: Chilling lockdown short film - Surfaces 



On the launch of Surfaces, Sandra Horley CBE, Chief Executive of Refuge said, “This short film is a stark reminder of what lockdown has been like, and continues to be like, for victims of domestic abuse. As restrictions slowly lift and an end to lockdown is in sight, it’s important to remember women across the country will continue to experience abuse. (17/06/2020)

Lesson Plan for International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

In support of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on 25th November 2024, Life Lesson's bring you a 15 minute lesson suitable for year 8+ for use in form time or assembly. 

Themes include:

  • Violence against women and girls in the news
  • The forms that violence against women and girls can take
  • Social media as a tool for activism vs a way to spread hate
  • Fighting for the prevention of violence against women and girl

Lesson plan available here


New Law Gives Bystanders a Central Role in Preventing Sexual harassment

Communities Inc have shared the following information on the new "The Worker Protection (Amendment of Equality Act 2010) Act 2023" which can into force 26th OCtober 2024 which places a new duty on employers to take reasonable steps to prevent sexxual harassment. 

The Act says all employers MUST take steps to prevent sexual harassment happening in the first place and not wait for it to happen.

Not doing so could lead to:

  • The Equality and Human Rights Commission taking action
  • Any successful claim at a tribunal could be increased by 25%

What is Sexual Harassment?

Sexual harassment can happen to men, women and people of any sexual orientation. It can be carried out by anyone of the same sex, another sex or anyone of any sexual orientation.

You could experience sexual harassment from anyone you come into contact with because of your job, including:

  • someone you work with
  • a manager, supervisor or someone else in a position of authority
  • 3rd parties – for example customers, clients and members of the public

Sexual harassment is unwanted behaviour of a sexual nature and must have either:

  • violated someone's dignity, or
  • created an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for someone

It can also be sexual harassment if it has one of these effects even if it was not intended.

Examples of Sexual Harassment:

  • making sexual remarks about someone's body, clothing or appearance
  • asking questions about someone's sex life
  • telling sexually offensive jokes
  • making sexual comments or jokes about someone's sexual orientation or gender reassignment
  • displaying or sharing pornographic or sexual images, or other sexual content
  • touching someone against their will, for example hugging them
  • sexual assault or rape

Sexual harassment and the Worker Protection Act: are you compliant?

What are employers expected to do?

Employers must take steps to prevent sexual harassment as they can be held responsible for the behaviour of their employees.

Employers also have a responsibility, a ‘duty of care’ (to look after the wellbeing of their employees). Any breach of this could lead to them facing a claim of sexual harassment.

Employers should:

  • Consider the risks of sexual harassment happening in their organisation
  • Consider steps they could take to reduce the risks of sexual harassment happening
  • Consider which of those steps are reasonable to take
  • Take those steps

Examples of the actions employers are considered to take is:

  • Inform and train staff on recognising and understanding sexual harassment and how they could respond if they witness it
  • Creating a workplace culture that promotes inclusion, sets out expected behaviours and addresses sexual harassment effectively when it occurs

If you see someone being sexually harassed at work, there are several things you can do

Key role for witnesses
If you see someone being sexually harassed at work, there are several things you can do.
You could:

  • Step in and stop it 
  • Support a complaint made by the person who experienced the sexual harassment
  • Report what you've seen or experienced
  • Give evidence as a witness, for example as part of a grievance procedure

You can also make a sexual harassment complaint yourself because what you've seen has violated your dignity or created an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for you.


Tagged under: domestic abuse, consent, sexual exploitation, rape, grooming, FGM, CSE, grooming, healthy relationships, Key Stage 5, personal safety, safeguarding, sex, license plate, protect, human trafficking, KS5, VAWG, violence against women and girls, sexual harassment,

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