Equality and Diversity - Key Stage 1 & 2
Pride Month Toolkit
1st June marks the start of Pride Month, where the LGBTQIA+ community is celebrated across the UK and all over the world.
Pride Month is a time for all of us to reaffirm our support for LGBTQIA+ people, as well as an opportunity to raise awareness of the ongoing issues and injustices faced by the community.
It is important for pupils to feel that their school or college is a safe place to be their authentic selves, where they are encouraged to explore their identities free from judgement. This month is a great opportunity to review your existing polices to ensure your setting is LGBTQIA+ inclusive, and to run activities or lessons exploring and celebrating the LGBTQIA+ community.
In this toolkit, we’re sharing free resources for pupils and staff to celebrate Pride Month and to think about positive changes that can be made in your school or college.
Click here to download the Primary Toolkit
Creating an LGBT Inclusive Primary Curriculum
Produced in conjunction with the Government Equalities Office and Pearson, this resource offers primary schools practical support and ideas to include issues around LGBT people and families into their lessons, and will help them to create learning environments where every pupil feels accepted. Each of the 13 subject areas (including PSHE) includes activities for the EYFS, Key Stage 1, and Key Stage 2, as well as offering adaptations that can be made for SEND pupils.
Equalities Curriculum for Primary Schools
A teaching pack to help you develop Anti-Bullying and Equalities work in your primary school. The GHLL resource includes newly updated schemes of work for all year groups, as well as activities and lesson ideas for anti-bullying week.
NEU - Breaking the Mould
The National Education Union worked with five primary schools over two years to consider how ‘traditional’ gender stereotypes could be challenged in nursery and primary classrooms.
The NEU are very proud to be adding to the Union’s Breaking the Mould series of resources, which support nursery and primary phase teachers to think about what books they are using in their classrooms. Using a wider range of good literature is a really quick, exciting and effective way to promote inclusion.
The NEU has produced the following supporting publications :
NEU - Supporting Trans and Gender Questioning students
Click here to access the advice from the National Education Union aims to help school and college staff support gender variant or questioning students in the educational environment.
LGBT History Month Resources
Stonewall has developed a range of resources for LGBT History Month on Frida Kahlo. They consist of a range of lesson plans and accompanying resources for use in both primary and special schools.
Frida Kahlo - Fact file worksheet
Frida Kahlo - Lesson plan for KS1&2
Frida Kahlo - Lesson plan for SEND
Frida Kahlo - My opinons worksheet
LGBTQ+ Resources
Stonewall create and share resources and information for all key stages on LGBTQ+, equality, diversity, inclusion.
Guidance and Advice
Dimensions provide emotional support to students. They have launched #imwithsam, a long-term autism and learning disability hate crime campaign. Get involved by:
Sharing the campaign video to show others why it’s so important to report hate crimes
Following the guide to write to your MP and tell them how important it is to tackle hate crime.
Brothers, Sisters and Autism: A parent's guide to supporting siblings
Having children with and without autism comes with a unique set of challenges. You’re not only faced with doing what’s best for your child with autism, but also with paying attention to the needs of any brothers or sisters. No matter what you call them (neurotypical, typically developing, normal, etc.), these siblings are often dealing with the same struggles and feelings that you do as parents. They, too, feel a sense of loss, confusion, and frustration – all at a time before they’ve had a chance to develop coping skills. These future advocates, potential caretakers, and lifelong friends will establish the longest lasting relationship with your child on the spectrum. Therefore, they need guidance and support from the start. You’re likely to find that supporting your children without autism will prove to be a long-term investment in your child with autism.
Topics addressed in this resource include:
• Strategies and resources to help teach your children about their sibling with autism
• Ways to address fairness, share attention, and recognize differences between your children
• Complicated feelings that may come up during family outings, holidays, play dates, and other special events
• Difficult emotions and situations that your children without autism may experience, including negative feelings and violent behaviour
• Ways to facilitate bonding, getting along, and time apart
• Testimonials from other autism parents
Life as an Autism Aibling: A Guide for Teens
When your brother or sister has autism, you have a different kind of sibling relationship. While it can be enjoyable and rewarding, you may also experience challenges and feelings that are tough to deal with. Two young adult siblings created this resource after connecting with dozens of teens about the ups and downs of growing up with a brother or sister with autism. The advice provided in this guide is based on their questions, concerns, and insight. The tips and stories featured are written by teens who have kindly shared their very real experiences. You might find that you can relate to some of what’s written. What’s most important to remember is that there are others out there who understand what it’s like to be in your shoes.
Valuing All God's Children
Guidance for Church of England schools on challenging homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying.
Stonewall Guidance and Resources for LGBT Inclusion
An introduction to supporting LGBT children and young people. This resource is suitable for all schools, colleges and settings and offers support in creating an LGBT inclusive environment, working with parents and carers, and supporting individual LGBT children and young people in mainstream and specialist settings.
Next steps in LGBT inclusive education: celebrating difference and developing understanding is a resource, aimed at schools, colleges and settings that have already started work on LGBT inclusion and who are looking to really embed the work. This resource includes an extensive policy section, guidance on creating an LGBT inclusive curriculum, support on working with parents and carers, as well as highlighting the importance of ensuring that a wide range of LGBT people are represented and celebrated in the school, college or setting.
‘It’s OK’ symbol supported posters, and easy read information sheets have been created to support children and young people with SEND.
Supporting Pupils After a Terrorist Attack
Resources on the topic of terrorist attacks from the PSHE Association to help teachers to utilise PSHE or Citizenship lessons for discussions that provide timely support for pupils at a difficult and sensitive time:
Primary: Guidance discussing a terrorist attack with children in the primary phases.
Secondary: A framework for discussing terrorist attacks is more suited to secondary aged pupils.
This guidance is not intended as a script or lesson plan, but to help teachers answer questions, structure discussion and, if appropriate, extend children’s learning and understanding. Teachers should pick out what they feel is relevant for the nature and circumstances of an event, the age and readiness of the children, and their whole-school ethos and values.
Guidance for maintained schools and academies in England on provision for transgender pupils
Guidance has been published to support maintained schools and academies in England to offer appropriate and supportive provision for transgender pupils.
New case law is ever emerging so provision for transgender pupils should be revisited regularly.
Use this link to read the guidance material.
Diversity Role Models
Dynamic charity whose vision is a world where everyone embraces diversity and can thrive. Our mission is to promote understanding and acceptance of individual differences and end LGBTQ+ bullying in schools.
- Pause, Rethink, Rewind, BeKind - New Free EDI Classroom Resource: The Diversity Role Models Upstander Animation Series
- Video on Anti LGBTQ+ Anti Bullying Schools Workshops
Launching the NEW DfE Funded 'Embracing Difference, Ending Bullying' Research & Impact Report 2024 - revealing the need to bridge the gap between students, parents, carers and school staff to transform anti-bullying strategies in schools. View the report here.
'It's only a phase': What not to say to LGBT pupils if they come out - The Guardian
The way a teacher responds to the moment a student tells them they are gay, and the impact this has on the student. Try to avoid saying the wrong thing at this crucial moment of disclosure.
Examples of what not to say:
"I don't have a problem with it"
"You do know I'm not gay?"
"It's only a phase"
Don't pretend to know more than you do
Don't do anything without consulting the student
Racism Resources and Lesson Plans 
Visit Anti-Racism Education's primary resources page to access Eight Lessons Plans each for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 on Race, Being anti-Racist, Radical socialisation, Stereotypes, Unconscious bias, Representation and Myth busting.
Tagged under: LGBT, homophobia, equality, Key Stage 1, Key Stage 2, bullying, respect, stigma, Stonewall, hate crime, diversity, imwithsam, equalities teaching pack, autism, toolkit, transgender, Gender Spectrum, race, anti-Racist, anti-racism, Radical socialisation, Stereotypes, Unconscious bias, Representation, Myth busting.
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