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Intervention Outcomes for the MHC Award

The following is a list of Outcomes that schools can select when recording Interventions for the Mental Health Champions Award.

School/College Ethos

Staff (NB Staff Interventions can only be used for the GHLL Mental Health Champions awards NOT the Heathy Schools award)

  • Mental Health Increase in the number of staff who feel more confident to deal with Mental Health issues

  • Mental Health Increase in the number of staff showing an improved awareness of Mental Health

  • Mental Health Increase in the number of staff who have a positive work life balance

  • Mental Health Increase in the number of staff feeling positive and supported in their work environment

  • Mental Health Increase in the number of staff showing an awareness of how to support children’s mental health


  • Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who report enjoying break time

  • Pupil Premium Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who are not involved in negative behaviour incidents

  • Pupil Premium Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who are not needing to receive sanctions

  • Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people receiving rewards for positive behaviour

Pupil voice

  • Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who report their ideas and opinions are listened to

  • Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who report that pupil voice has an impact on school life

  • Pupil Premium Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who report that they think programmes such as peer mentoring, peer mediation or peer massage are relevant and useful to their needs


  • Pupil Premium Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who are looking forward to going to secondary school

  • Pupil Premium Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who report they are more confident to cope with change

  • Pupil Premium Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who have high aspirations for the future

Healthy Eating

Heathy Eating: Knowledge, skills & attitudes

  • Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who report they enjoy their school dinner

Physical Health

Physical Activity: Habits

  • Pupil Premium Sports Premium Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who participate in the Daily Mile/ Gloucestershire Trot/ Go Noodle

  • Pupil Premium Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who show strong core stability

  • Pupil Premium Sports Premium Mental Health Increase in the number of pupils participating in yoga

  • Mental Health 'Increase in the number of staff who access physical activities in school to improve their emotional well-being'

Physical wellbeing

  • Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who understand what contributes to maintaining balance in the body and how this affects both our state of health and illness

  • Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who are overweight/obese accessing appropriate care pathways

  • Pupil Premium Sports Premium Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who display healthy behaviours as a result of the Facts4Life Challenge

  • Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who understand how to reduce the risk of contracting or spreading a virus

  • Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who report positve sleep patterns

  • Pupil Premium Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who report an increased knowledge of the recommended amount of sleep relative to their age and achieve this

  • Pupil Premium Mental Health Increase in children/young people who have been referred to Active Glos and as a result have increased their physical activity

  • Pupil Premium Mental Health Increase in children/young people who have been referred to Active Glos and as a result have increased their physical activity

Tobacco, alcohol and drugs

  • Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who can identify a person to talk to about drugs issues

Sexual health

  • Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who report that they are confident to talk about sexual health matters

  • Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who report they would know who to approach if they had a concern about sexual health

  • Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who report that their Relationships and Sex education (RSE) is relevant and useful to their needs

Emotional Health

Accessing support

  • Pupil Premium Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who access support schemes run by peers

  • Pupil Premium Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who know where to access support for relationship issues

  • Pupil Premium Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who seek appropriate support if they are worried

  • Sports Premium Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who are accessing the correct care and support if they are obese

  • Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who are aware of where to get support if at risk of being made homeless

  • Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who report that they feel confident to support their peers

  • Pupil Premium Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who use school-based counselling services

  • Pupil Premium Mental Health Increase in children/young people who use physical activity to improve their emotional wellbeing


  • Pupil Premium Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who are having structured learning conversations at home

  • Pupil Premium Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who report an improvement in health and well-being via engagement of parents/carers

  • Mental Health Increase in number of CYP who are able to self-regulate as a result of parents taking part in Emotion Coaching training.

Emotional wellbeing

  • Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who show an improved awareness of mental health

  • Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who have increased knowledge, skills and attitude in SEAL

  • Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who have an understanding of dementia and have improved confidence in relating to people living with the condition, accepting and helping people to live well

  • Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who understand the role of the media in issues to do with body image, who can accept that we are all physically unique and celebrate physical differences

  • Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who are aware of what stigma means around mental health issues

  • Pupil Premium Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who report an increased self-worth/self-confidence

  • Pupil Premium Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who understand and actively communicate the five ways to well-being

  • Pupil Premium Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who feel happy in life

  • Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who understand the negative consequences of stigmatising particular social groups e.g. stereotyping by disability, age, gender, sexuality, etc.

  • Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who access social prescribing in order to improve emotional well-being

  • Pupil Premium Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who report they are happy in school

  • Pupil Premium Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people with a decrease in measured/reported levels of stress/anxiety

  • Pupil Premium Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who do not present identifiable emotional, social and behavioural difficulties

  • Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who do not self harm or use other negative/destructive ways to deal with stress and anxiety

  • Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who show an improvement in mental health

  • Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who understand what positive mental health is and strategies they can use to promote it

  • Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who show a positive attitude towards people with mental health problems

  • Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who are involved in positive activities in or outside of school

  • Pupil Premium Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who demonstrate resilience

  • Pupil Premium Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who report using different methods of managing stress and achieving calm

  • Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who successfully complete a work placement

  • Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people with positive social skills

  • Pupil Premium Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who feel more confident in making safer choices

  • Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who are taking positive steps to reduce stigma around emotional health and well-being

  • Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people in school who are able to use mindfulness as a way of achieving calm and focus

  • Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who use places around the school for quiet and relaxation

  • Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who know how to stay safe online

  • Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who can safely resolve conflict issues

  • Pupil Premium Sports Premium Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people experiencing wellbeing activities related to the 'Five Ways to Wellbeing'

  • Pupil Premium Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who can identify emotions they have experienced as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and who have an understanding and can employ a range of strategies to deal with difficult emotions

  • Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who feel calm and ready to learn

  • Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who report that they have the skills to resist peer pressure

  • Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who feel confident they know who to approach if they have a concern

  • Pupil Premium Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who report feeling safe in all areas of the school

  • Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who do not self harm or use other negative/destructive ways to deal with stress and anxiety

  • Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who show an understanding of what is meant by toxic masculinity and are able to challenge their own and others' perceptions

  • Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who show an understanding of what is meant by gender stereotypes and are able to challenge their own and others' perceptions

  • Mental Health Increase in the number of C/YP who are young carers who report feeling supported in their role.

  • Mental Health Increase in C/YP who understand the challenges faced by young carers, and how they can support them in this role.

  • Mental Health Increase in the number of children and young people who feel energised and ready to learn.

  • Pupil Premium Mental Health Increase in children/young people who use physical activity to improve their emotional wellbeing

  • Pupil Premium Sports Premium Mental Health 'Increase in the number of CYP reporting reduced anxiety/increased confidence as a result of participating in creative activities'.

  • Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who can identify emotions and employ a range of strategies to deal with difficult emotions

  • Mental Health Increase in the number of children /young people who report greater self-esteem and/or resilience as a result of the myHappymind programme

  • Mental Health Increase in the number of children /young people who use myHappymind strategies (e.g. happy breathing) to self-regulate


  • Pupil Premium Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who report they are not bullied

  • Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who seek help if they are bullied

  • Pupil Premium Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who report that their school deals well with all types of bullying

  • Pupil Premium Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who understand what bullying is and when reporting is necessary


  • Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who report that they are able to effectively manage their feelings

  • Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who are accessing the correct care and support when facing challenging circumstances

  • Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people accessing support to promote their health and wellbeing

  • Pupil Premium Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who report positive peer relationships

  • Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who understand that sucessful friendships and relationships are founded on mutual respect, care and love

  • Pupil Premium Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who report feeling confident in their abilities to be resilient and make successful relationships

  • Mental Health Increase in the number of children/young people who understand appropriate touch rules