Intervention Outcomes in the GHLL review
The following is a list of Outcomes that schools can select when recording Interventions in the GHLL Review
Legend: Pupil Premium
Mental Health
Sports Premium
School/College Ethos
Increase in the number of children/young people who report enjoying break time
Increase in the number of children/young people who are not involved in negative behaviour incidents
Increase in the number of children/young people who are not needing to receive sanctions
Increase in the number of children/young people receiving rewards for positive behaviour
Increase in the number of children/young people who are punctual
Increase in the number of children/young people with no unauthorised absence
Increase in the number of children/young people who have a high attendance rate
Increase in the number of children/young people who are actively involved in a school recycling project
Increase in the number of children/young people who are taking part in composting activities in school
Increase in the number of children/young people who are participating in growing activities
Increase in the number of children/young people who are participating in grow it, cook it, eat it activities
Increase in the number of children/young people who are actively involved in reducing water wastage in the school
Increase in the number of children/young people who are bringing less unnecessary packaging in their packed lunch
Increase in the number of children/young people who are actively involved in reducing food wastage
Increase in the number of children/young people who are involved in an energy conservation programme in school e.g. lighting
Increase in the number of children/young people who participate in a litter pick in the local community
Increase in the number of children / young people involved in positive community projects
Pupil voice
Increase in the number of children/young people who report being actively involved in the review and development of their Relationships and Sexual education (RSE) programme in school
Increase in the number of children/young people who report their ideas and opinions are listened to
Increase in the number of children/young people who report that pupil voice has an impact on school life
Increase in the number of children/young people who are involved in a pupil parliament/school council
Increase in the number of children/young people who report that they are involved in school decision making
Increase in the number of children/young people who report that they think programmes such as peer mentoring, peer mediation or peer massage are relevant and useful to their needs
Increase in the number of children/young people who are looking forward to going to secondary school
Increase in the number of children/young people who have a better awareness and understanding of personal finance
Increase in the number of children/young people who report they are more confident to cope with change
Increase in the number of children/young people who have high aspirations for the future
Healthy Eating
Heathy Eating: Diet
Increase in the number of children/young people drinking the recommended amount of water, daily
Increase in the number of children/young people who are drinking fewer energy/high sugar drinks
Increase in the number of children/young people eating a healthy breakfast
Increase in the number of children/young people eating a healthy packed lunch
Increase in the number of children/young people eating healthy break time snacks
Increase in the number of children/young people eating fruit and vegetables
Heathy Eating: Habits
Increase in the number of children/young people who participate in food preparation activities at home
Increase in the number of children/young people who eat a school meal
Increase in the number of children/young people who choose to participate in cooking activities in school
Increase in the number of children/young people who use cutlery appropriately when eating a meal
Heathy Eating: Knowledge, skills & attitudes
Increase in the number of children/young people who understand the relationship between diet and health
Increase in the number of children/young people who can prepare simple healthy meals
Increase in the number of children/young people who report a positive dining experience
Increase in the number of children/young people who report they enjoy their school dinner
Physical Health
Physical Activity: Habits
Increase in the number of children/young people who take part in extra-curricular Physical Activity before or after school
Increase in the number of children/young people who take part in structured Physical Activity at break time
Increase in the number of children/young people who report using local sports facilities
Increase in the number of children/young people who understand what they can do to keep their hearts healthy
Increase in the number of children/young people who participate in the Daily Mile/ Gloucestershire Trot/ Go Noodle
Increase in the number of children/young people who show strong core stability
Increase in the number of pupils participating in yoga
'Increase in the number of staff who access physical activities in school to improve their emotional well-being'
Physical Activity: Level
Increase in the number of children/young people who report they spend less time watching TV
Increase in the number of children/young people who show improved measurable fitness level
Increase in the number of children/young people who undertake physical activity for 30 minutes or more a day
Increase in the number of children/young people who particpiate in all-weather active play
Increase in the number of pupils accessing a soft play facility and therefore increasing weekly physical activity.
Increase in number of C/YP who understand how to stay safe in and around water
Physical Activity: Travel
Increase in the number of children/young people who meet or exceed the recommended no. of daily steps (12,000 for girls; 15,000 for boys)
Increase in the number of children/young people who walk, scoot or cycle to school
Increase in the number of children/young people who achieve independent travel
Increase in the number of children/young people who report good knowledge of road safety
Physical wellbeing
Increase in the number of children/young people who understand what contributes to maintaining balance in the body and how this affects both our state of health and illness
Increase in the number of children/young people who brush their teeth correctly twice a day
Increase in the number of children/young people who understand how to take care of their teeth
Increase in the number of children/young people who are overweight/obese accessing appropriate care pathways
Increase in the number of children/young people who know what to do in an emergency situation
Increase in the number of children/young people who have positive personal hygiene routines
Increase in the number of children/young people who understand the need for and importance of organ donation
Increase in the number of children/young people who do not soil themselves
Increase in the number of children/young people who display healthy behaviours as a result of the Facts4Life Challenge
Increase in the number of children/young people who report they adopt sun safe behaviours in and out of school
Increase in the number of children/young people who understand how to reduce the risk of contracting or spreading a virus
Increase in the number of children/young people who report positve sleep patterns
Increase in the number of children/young people who are aware of signs and symptoms of early cancer and know how to self examine
Increase in the number of children/young people with knowledge of sun safe behaviours
Increase in the number of children/young people who have made positive lifestyle choices after learning about healthy hearts
Increase in the number of children/young people who report an increased knowledge of the recommended amount of sleep relative to their age and achieve this
Increase in the number of children/young people who know how to administer basic first aid
Increase in children/young people who have been referred to Active Glos and as a result have increased their physical activity
Increase in children/young people who have been referred to Active Glos and as a result have increased their physical activity
Tobacco, alcohol and drugs
Increase in the number of children/young people who are choosing not to smoke
Increase in the number of children/young people who report not having had an alcoholic drink in the last 7 days
Increase in the number of children/young people who know how to access advice/support in relation to drugs/tobacco/alcohol
Increase in the number of children/young people who can identify a person to talk to about drugs issues
Increase in the number of children/young people who understand the risks in relation to smoking
Increase in the number of children/young people who report that their drug education is useful and relevant to their needs
Increase in the number of children and young people who are choosing not to vape
Increase in the number of children and young people who report not having vaped in the last seven days
Increase in the number of children and young people who understand the impact of vaping on themselves and the environment
Sexual health
Increase in the number of children/young people who do not display sexualised behaviour
Increase in the number of children/young people who can correctly identify reasons to use contraception
Increase in the number of children/young people who report that they will use condoms or other forms of contraceptive devices in order to avoid unwanted pregnancies
Increase in the number of children/young people who are able to use appropriate language in relation to sexual health matters
Increase in the number of children/young people who report regularly checking for testicular cancer/breast cancer
Increase in the number of female children/young people who report that they would take a chlamydia test if they had been sexually active
Increase in the number of children/young people who report that they are confident to talk about sexual health matters
Increase in the number of children/young people who report that they are aware of the advantages of delaying sexual activity
Increase in the number of children/young people who report that they are aware of the risks associated with teenage pregnancy
Increase in the number of children/young people who report they would know who to approach if they had a concern about sexual health
Increase in the number of children/young people who report that their Relationships and Sex education (RSE) is relevant and useful to their needs
Emotional Health
Accessing support
Increase in the number of children/young people who access support schemes run by peers
Increase in the number of children/young people who know where to access support for relationship issues
Increase in the number of children/young people who seek appropriate support if they are worried
Increase in the number of children/young people who are accessing the correct care and support if they are obese
Increase in the number of children/young people who are aware of where to get support if at risk of being made homeless
Increase in the number of children/young people who report that they feel confident to support their peers
Increase in the number of children/young people who report they are confident that they will be able to access sexual health services if and when appropriate
Increase in the number of children/young people who use school-based counselling services
Increase in children/young people who use physical activity to improve their emotional wellbeing
Increase in the number of children/young people who are having structured learning conversations at home
Increase in the number of children/young people who report an improvement in health and well-being via engagement of parents/carers
Increase in number of CYP who are able to self-regulate as a result of parents taking part in Emotion Coaching training.
Emotional wellbeing
Increase in the number of children/young people who show an improved awareness of mental health
Increase in the number of children/young people who have increased knowledge, skills and attitude in SEAL
Increase in the number of children/young people who have an understanding of dementia and have improved confidence in relating to people living with the condition, accepting and helping people to live well
Increase in the number of children/young people who understand the role of the media in issues to do with body image, who can accept that we are all physically unique and celebrate physical differences
Increase in the number of children/young people who are aware of what stigma means around mental health issues
Increase in the number of children/young people who report an increased self-worth/self-confidence
Increase in the number of children/young people who understand and actively communicate the five ways to well-being
Increase in the number of children/young people who feel happy in life
Increase in the number of children/young people who understand the negative consequences of stigmatising particular social groups e.g. stereotyping by disability, age, gender, sexuality, etc.
Increase in the number of children/young people who access social prescribing in order to improve emotional well-being
Increase in the number of children/young people who report they are happy in school
Increase in the number of children/young people with a decrease in measured/reported levels of stress/anxiety
Increase in the number of children/young people who do not present identifiable emotional, social and behavioural difficulties
Increase in the number of children/young people who do not self harm or use other negative/destructive ways to deal with stress and anxiety
Increase in the number of children/young people who show an improvement in mental health
Increase in the number of children/young people who understand what positive mental health is and strategies they can use to promote it
Increase in the number of children/young people who show a positive attitude towards people with mental health problems
Increase in the number of children/young people who are involved in positive activities in or outside of school
Increase in the number of children/young people who demonstrate resilience
Increase in the number of children/young people who report using different methods of managing stress and achieving calm
Increase in the number of children/young people who successfully complete a work placement
Increase in the number of children/young people with positive social skills
Increase in the number of children/young people who feel more confident in making safer choices
Increase in the number of children/young people who are taking positive steps to reduce stigma around emotional health and well-being
Increase in the number of children/young people in school who are able to use mindfulness as a way of achieving calm and focus
Increase in the number of children/young people who use places around the school for quiet and relaxation
Increase in the number of children/young people who know how to stay safe online
Increase in the number of children/young people who can safely resolve conflict issues
Increase in the number of children/young people experiencing wellbeing activities related to the 'Five Ways to Wellbeing'
Increase in the number of children/young people who can identify emotions they have experienced as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and who have an understanding and can employ a range of strategies to deal with difficult emotions
Increase in the number of children/young people who feel calm and ready to learn
Increase in the number of children/young people who report that they have the skills to resist peer pressure
Increase in the number of children/young people who feel confident they know who to approach if they have a concern
Increase in the number of children/young people who report feeling safe in all areas of the school
Increase in the number of children/young people who do not self harm or use other negative/destructive ways to deal with stress and anxiety
Increase in the number of children/young people who show an understanding of what is meant by toxic masculinity and are able to challenge their own and others' perceptions
Increase in the number of children/young people who show an understanding of what is meant by gender stereotypes and are able to challenge their own and others' perceptions
Increase in the number of C/YP who are young carers who report feeling supported in their role.
Increase in C/YP who understand the challenges faced by young carers, and how they can support them in this role.
Increase in identification of C/YP who are carers and their targeted support.
Increase in the number of children and young people who feel energised and ready to learn.
Increase in children/young people who use physical activity to improve their emotional wellbeing
'Increase in the number of CYP reporting reduced anxiety/increased confidence as a result of participating in creative activities'.
Increase in the number of children/young people who can identify emotions and employ a range of strategies to deal with difficult emotions
Increase in the number of children /young people who report greater self-esteem and/or resilience as a result of the myHappymind programme
Increase in the number of children /young people who use myHappymind strategies (e.g. happy breathing) to self-regulate
Increase in the number of children and young people who demonstrate enhanced emotional intelligence through increased interoceptive awareness.
increase in the number of CYP who demonstrate improved readiness to learn through regular access to sensory provision
Increase in Children/Young People who take part in extra curricular activities both physical and other in order to improve emotional resilience.
Increase in the number of children/young people who report they are not bullied
Increase in the number of children/young people who seek help if they are bullied
Increase in the number of children/young people who report that their school deals well with all types of bullying
Increase in the number of children/young people who understand what bullying is and when reporting is necessary
Increase in the number of children/young people who report that they are able to effectively manage their feelings
Increase in the number of children/young people who report that they would be able to manage unsafe situations with respect to sex and relationships
Increase in the number of children/young people who are accessing the correct care and support when facing challenging circumstances
Increase in the number of children/young people accessing support to promote their health and wellbeing
Increase in the number of children/young people who report positive peer relationships
Increase in the number of children/young people who understand that sucessful friendships and relationships are founded on mutual respect, care and love
Increase in the number of children/young people who report feeling confident in their abilities to be resilient and make successful relationships
Increase in the number of children/young people who understand what it means to give sexual consent, and why it is important
Increase in the number of children/young people who understand appropriate touch rules
Increase in the number of children/young people who show an understanding of what it means to be British
Increase in the number of children/young people who show tolerance and acceptance of differences within a multicultural society
Increase in the number of children/young people who show a understanding of radicalisation and extremism
Increase in the number of children/young people who have an awareness of how the justice system works in England
Increase in the number of children/young people who report that the Crown Court visit will influence how they themselves, or others they know will choose to behave in the future
Tagged under: ghll review, targeted intervention, outcomes, Sports Premium, mental health, schools, PP, DP, pupil premium, health promotion, emotional health, wellbeing, intervention, healthy eating, physical healt