Healthy Living
Healthy Eating
Healthy breaks for schools
If you are unsure what to put in your child's lunchbox, the following guidelines will help you make the right healthy choices. Click here to view the full article or visit for healthy eating advice for all the family.
Healthy snacks
Half the sugar children are having comes from snacks and sugary drinks. Too much sugar can lead to harmful fat building up inside and serious health problems, including painful tooth decay.
Fruit and vegetables are always the best choice, but if you're shopping for packaged snacks for your children, use this helpful tip: look for 100 calorie snacks, two a day max!
Click to view the article: Snack smart, from 'better health'.
There are a number of great resources on the Better Health website with everything you need to support key healthy eating messages to children and their families. All of these resources can be used on your interactive whiteboard.
Eating Disorders
If your child develops an eating disorder, you may feel unsure how to help and how to act around them. The NHS Choices website offers advice to parents.
Charlie Waller have released a booklet that looks at supporting a child with an eating problem. As well as helping you understand more about eating problems, this booklet gives you knowledge and skills that will help you support your child plus some useful tips on supporting your own wellbeing.
For more resources, visit their website.
Eating Disorders Toolkit - Educational Settings
This resource has been developed as an unexpected yet welcome output from the production of the School Nursing Toolkit: ‘Eating Disorders Can Impact Anybody’.
The co-production process involved experts by experience, and it was felt that educational settings would also benefit from our work to enable them to also better support children and young people at risk of/experiencing an eating disorder. Our expert reference group comprised carers, parents, siblings, family and eating disorder experts by experience, School Nurses and eating disorder services.
The aim of this guide is to support educators to work alongside School Nursing services and to put in place simple and effective measures to improve theexperience of those registered with educational settings. Those providing support to children and young people who may be experiencing an eating disorder must ensure that they have training and understanding prior to doing so. **
Eating-Disorders-Resource-for-Educational-Settings.pdf (
My-Safety-Plan.pdf (
You may think your children will encounter alcohol whatever you do, so what’s the point of talking about alcohol? These tips from the Alcohol Education Trust will help you approach the issue of drinking with your children.
Talk about alcohol film stories are written and managed by a charity called The Alcohol Education Trust (AET). The site is designed to be used by young people in a classroom setting as part of PSHE lessons on alcohol. It is designed mainly for Key stage 3 and complements the Talk About Alcohol teacher workbook, which is full of lesson plans, games and worksheets.
The charity provides engaging evaluated and fun activities for 11-18 year olds across the UK, trains teachers and reaches out to parents. All their work is around keeping young people safe around alcohol.
Physical Health
Support to be a healthy weight is a key priority for Gloucestershire’s Health and Wellbeing Board and the Integrated Care System (ICS).
The 2018 National Children Measurement Programme (NCMP) data for Gloucestershire showed that 1 in 10 children (10%) were living with obesity by the time they start school. This figure is higher than the average for England (9.5%).
By Year 6, 17.8% of children were living with obesity. This figure is lower than the average for England (20.1%).
Whilst there have been some year on year fluctuations for both year groups since data collection began, overall we’ve not seen a reduction.
Gloucestershire data mirrors the national trend with those living in more deprived areas more likely to be affected by obesity. Similarly, children from black and minority ethnic (BAME) backgrounds and those living in urban areas are also disproportionately affected.
Healthy Lifestyles Gloucestershire
If you live in Gloucestershire, our Healthy Lifestyles team is on hand to help and support you. We can work with you to identify small changes that you can make, as well as supporting you to achieve them.
Whether you’re thinking about losing weight, giving up smoking, getting more active or just improving your overall wellbeing, we are here to help you.
We can work with you, and we also have a range of tools that you can use on your own to make and track lifestyle changes that will help you to be your best.
Call free on 0800 122 3788 or visit
As part of our health promotion campaign, addressing Gloucestershire's declining rates of the two pre-school booster vaccinations, please take a look & share these 2 promotional videos:
Vaping - Resources for parents and carers section
BBC News report- Protect kids from vapes, doctors urge government
Times Radio report – How Social Media is getting your kids addicted to vaping
Citizens Advice Portal – Yellow Card Scheme
Important Facts on the Risks of Vapes for Kids, Teens, and Young Adults
Dangers of vapes – How to talk to your kids about them
Smoking – Time’s Up
One Gloucestershire Intergrated CareSystem (ICS) Winter Plan 2024/25
For useful tips and planning advise on keeping healthy and well this winter please see the Winter Plan below. Packed with lots of information on the different support available from Primary Care Services, First Response Services, Community and Mental Health Services, Accident and Emergency, Adult Social Care and Support in the Community.
One Gloucestershire ICS Winter Plan 2024/25
Tagged under: parents, carers, healthy eating, alcohol, immunisation, physical health, weight, eating disorders, food, healthy living, NCMP, National Children Measurement Programme, Health and Wellbeing Board, vaping, vapes, Winter plan, prevention
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