01452 894272
Guidance for professionals in Gloucestershire working with young people with mental health or emotional wellbeing concerns
Yoga for emotional health and wellbeing
How does yoga benefit people?
Become aware of their breath, body, and mind;
Learn to listen and respect their body, noticing changing sensations and mindfully consider thoughts as they come and go;
Learn how to alter their breath to control their nervous system;
Empowers the person as it separates them from being actively involved in their thoughts, enabling them to make more measured choices as to the thoughts and feelings they want to act on;
Regularly practising yoga helps to increase confidence and self-esteem;
Toolkit which they can use to self-regulate and navigate through life’s ups and downs;
Builds resilience;
Energising and relaxing so helping to improve mental clarity, focus, and motivation;
Helps people to manage stress, this can be particularly beneficial to young people at times of intense pressure or stress in their lives, such as before exams.
How children and young people in schools and colleges can benefit:
Structured yoga and mindfulness sessions to practice;
Yoga and mindfulness helps build children’s and young peoples fitness levels, physical strength, flexibility and muscle tone;
Children and young people will learn strategies to enable them to feel calmer, focused and more self-aware;
Help them to relieve stress, alleviate worries and empower them to become more resilient when facing life’s challenges;
Sessions are a fun and engaging way to practice yoga and a great introduction to mindfulness which children and young people can develop and build upon as they grow up;
Yoga and mindfulness can be accessed by everyone including staff!
The power of breath
Through the Yoga poses children and young people gain many of the benefits of sport & exercise, whilst focusing on the controlled use of breathing. This awareness and focus on breath has a calming effect on the central nervous system. The Class will ebb and flow in activity and stimulation to help guide through the self – regulation of senses, helping grow and strengthen neural pathways.
All of these factors have an impact on breathing. Classes teach the positive effects of awareness and control of breath, by experiencing how it can affect our mood and the way we react to stressful situations and our ability to concentrate. Learning the power of breath and the ability to self-regulate is a life changing and life enabling process for all children.
What is mindfulness?
Classes will also incorporate Mindfulness activities, which are engaging & age appropriate. Mindfulness means paying full attention to something, slowing down to really notice what you’re doing and focusing in a relaxed, easy way. Using breathing & calm exercises pupils can explore this feeling and enjoy the sense of calm and being present in the moment. With time and practice being mindful can develop from a trait to a mindset and gives better focus for learning, improves concentration & listening. By building an enjoyment for inner calm & contentment an improved emotional health is developed.
Tagged under: mindfulness, yoga, resources, relaxation, stress, self-esteem, schools, colleges, teachers, breathing, toolkit, children, students, pupils, young people, staff