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How England’s top private schools came to own 38,000 acres of land

Sunday 16th June 2024

Students at top fee-paying institutions benefit from centuries of philanthropy originally intended to help the poor

At a certain point, walking south along the River Itchen, the playing fields of Winchester college begin to appear, green and well cared for on the other side. Nestled among the rugby football and cricket pitches is an outdoor classroom that holds 30. Nearby is the rowing club, and New Hall, the theatre that seats 400.

Beyond them lie the ancient school buildings, the cloisters and the boarding houses. The students who have attended this institution – including, several decades ago, the prime minister, Rishi Sunak – have access to more than 250 acres of glorious open space, a fact that the college proclaims proudly on its website. It is, as they would agree, a pretty luxurious setup.

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