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Mental Health - Key Stage 5


Self Harm 

Battle Scars - Supporting anybody affected by self-harm

Battle Scars have produced a journal for 10-17 year olds who live in the UK and suffer with self-harm. 

The book must be ordered by the young person
If you're a carer or a professional, you need to show this page to the young person and let them decide whether they wish to order it or not -they must be ready to work on their self-harm, NEVER FORCE anyone to try.

You can request the Discovery Journal for free - click here. It will be posted out  in a discreet padded envelope with no mention of Battle Scars or self-harm.


Guidance, Resources and Articles

Stroud Local Evaluation of the Gloucestershire Mental Health Services and Schools Link Pilot - Final report to NHS Gloucestershire CCG

My 'Mental Health Manifesto' for Britain's Schoolchildren - an interesting article by the Government's first mental health champion.



B-Eat - Beating Eating Disorders - Facebook page and message boards for all aspects of eating disorders

The Little Book of Mental Health Life Hacks - how to look after your own mental health. Written by the Somerset Young Mental Health Champions

Mental Health Foundation - How to look after your mental health

Mental Health First Aid England - An educational course which teaches people how to identify, understand and help a person who may be developing a mental health issue.

MindEd - e-learning to support young healthy minds

National Centre for Eating Disorders - Effective help and treatment for sufferers












Public Health England - Measuring and monitoring children and young people's mental wellbeing: A toolkit for schools and colleges

Royal College of Psychiatrists - Improving the lives of people with mental illness

Research Digest - Mindfulness programme








Brainwave evidence hints at benefits from a school mindfulness programme.

Recent studies of mindfulness schools programmes for teenagers have produced mixed results, with some failing to find benefits, even when extra features were added to try to make them more effective. But given the demonstrated benefits of mindfulness training on stress and wellbeing in adults – and the urgent need to find ways to reduce stress and prevent depression in teenagers – it’s not surprising that researchers are pursuing work in the area. Click hear to read the full report


Taking CARE To Promote Mental Health in Schools and Colleges



The CARE animation is a short animation for all school and college staff that recognises the importance of supporting children and young people’s mental health in schools and colleges, and offers a simple principle for staff to remember; CARE. (Curious, Approachable, Refer, Empathy). Click the image to be redirected to the video and additional resources.


Click here for a site that finds near be mental health services 27/01/20

Tellmi is a safe, anonymous app where you can talk about absolutely anything. From anxiety to autism, dating to depression, or self-harm to self-esteem, sharing your experiences with our awesome community helps you to feel better.


Help children and young people talk about loneliness 

A recent national survey of children and young people showed that one in ten 11 to 22 year olds reported often or always feeling lonely.

New to our schools programme, NHS approved Every Mind Matters Building connections resources aim to encourage young people in Year 6, KS3 and KS4  to discuss loneliness and provide them with self-care techniques they can use when they’re feeling lonely. 

To support teacher's on mental health, the Every Mind Matters tool is available on the School Zone to provide support on simple, practical advice for a healthier mind. 



Self Harm

The Mighty - How to explain why you self-harm to people who don't understand

What not to do if a child is self harming



Grassroots Suicide Prevention

The Samaritans - Support available around the clock for anyone


Diseases of the body garner so much sympathy- but not the diseases of the brain. Why is that?With dazzling energy and humour, Ruby Wax- diagnosed a decade ago with clinical depression, urges us to put an end to the stigma of mental illness


05/05/17 Refinery29 - How To React When Your Friend Is Talking About Suicide With its gripping story, visceral emotions and penchant for stirring up controversy, 13 Reasons Why has also instigated several difficult discussions about suicide. So what can you do to help friends who talk about hurting themselves? A lot, it turns out.

23/09/17 The Guardian - How can we improve the mental health of girls and women? Girls and women are excelling in many fields, but figures show increased anxiety, depression, eating disorders and self-harm. The modern world poses many challenges for girls such as promoting fierce competition and a 'have it all' culture.


Mental Health Break poster

Please click on poster for printable version


What is Mental Health - Poster




Wellbeing lessons - BrainWaves

BrainWaves is delighted to present a trial series of free mental health and wellbeing lessons for use across secondary schools and sixth forms.The lessons have been designed with Year 12 students in mind, but may be appropriate for younger students dependent on the curriculum and focus within your school. There are currently five lessons available with more to be made available soon.Working in consultation with schools, academics and expert practitioners, our approach to lesson development is of an iterative process in which school feedback plays a vital role. Different schools also operate within different contexts and sometimes what works with one class or school might not work so well with others. 


Coping with your low mood 


When to check in with a young person

Useful poster from Young Minds on ideas when to check in with a young person including being mindful of how you are feeling and checking in with yourself first.

Risk Factors for Suicide in Children and Young People- Office for National Statistics

The Office for National Statistics has released a article on the risk factors for sucide in children and young people in England using data from the 2011 Census to help build a pricture of the groups of children and young people who experience a higher risk of dying by suicide. They have also worked with charities focusing on suicide prevention and supporting young people to understand their findings.



Suicide is the biggest killer of people under 30: New Podcast Episode  

Jamie Laing's podcast "Great Company" speaks with Simon Gunning, CEO of CALM (Campaign Agaisnt Living Miserably), a charity dedicated to suicide prevention about despite the staggering statistic, it is still such a difficult thing to talk about. This episode is about why leaning into the uncomfortable can be life changing- or indeed, saving. 

TW: The conversation contains discussion of suicide which some listeners might find distressing.

To listen to the episode click here

Tagged under: mental health, mental illness, stigma, eating disorders, bereavement, self harm, mindfulness, stress well being, loneliness, brainwaves, low mood, suicide, wellbeing

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