Hate Crime
Knife Crime Resources from The Ben Kinsella Trust
Knife Crime Lesson Plan & Resources - These PSHE lesson plans for schools teaching KS2, KS3 and KS4 are based on video testimony from ex gang members, victims and offenders. The lessons include all the worksheets, activities and film that you need to run a successful lesson.
Click here for themed lesson plans
Pledge to stop knife crime - Download a pledge template and sign it to make your pledge. Pledge as a group, or as individuals. For added awareness, upload your pledge to social media and tag us!
Workshops - Our award-winning anti-knife crime workshops educate young people about knife crime and how to make positive choices to stay safe.
Fundraise - Our important work cannot continue without support from our fabulous fundraisers! From completing a tough physical challenge like climbing the three peaks, running a marathon or cycling to Paris, to cake sales and coffee mornings - we will support you every step of the way. And whether you are raising £30 or £3000, every penny makes a difference and helps us to continue to #StopKnifeCrime.
Knife Crime Toolkit - This toolkit aims to support and assist education staff, partner agencies and CYP practitioners in their work with children, young people and families by providing information, advice and links to resources specific to knife crime, including lesson plans for KS2 which can be accessed in the resources section at the bottom of this page.
Gay-Glos & Victim Support have worked in partnership to produce resources on the impact of prejudice and discrimination.
Debate and Discussion
Extremism, Radicalisation, and Prevent
Fundamental British Values
Hate Crime
Online Safety
Some teacher training materials and teaching guidance documents are provide alongside the resources.
Learning For Justice provide a lesson plan and supporting resources suitable for Upper Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 3 titles 'What is Hate Crime?'.
Gloucestershire Hate Crime Strategy
Hate crime is about people being intolerant of each other, but is goes far deeper than that. It's when people are targeted for who they are or what they believe - their sexual orientation, trans identity, their race or their religion or disability. View the full report of how hate crime is being tackled in Gloucestershire.
The Chief Constable and the Police and Crime Commissioner for Gloucestershire said we must do more to stop hate crime. They asked for this plan to be written: Gloucestershire's Hate Crime Plan, 2016 to 2021.
Report it
A poster has been produced which features a QR code to enable quick and easy reporting of hate crime in schools, colleges, and other education settings in Gloucestershire. It can be used to report hate incidents affecting children and young people between reception age, and year 13.
Download the Hate Incident Reporting poster here
In an emergency, call 999
In a non emergency, call 101
Dont want to contact the police:
Call the 3rd party reporting line at Victim Support 0800 077 8460
If you are a witness, call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111
Tagged under: Key Stage 1, Key Stage 2, hate crime, diversity, equality, LGBT, safeguarding, stigma, national hate crime awareness, Key Stage 3, Key Stage 4, Key Stage 5, knife crime
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