Multi agency training opportunities are available through the Gloucestershire Safeguarding Children Board. Click here to access more information.
This video highlights the inappropriate and uncomfortable reactions parents get when a complete stranger says they want to follow their children. Parents are encouraged to reflect upon this from the point of view of social networking and online communities. If you would not allow it in real life, then how different it that from online friends and followers? A fantastic eye-opening social experiment. #followme
Schoolbeat officers
The primary responsibilities of the role ;
- Build trusting relationships with children from Year 6 through to Year 11
- Deliver 500hrs of educative inputs per school year, based on the PSHE curriculum and force operational priorities, to Year 6 through to Year 9 pupils
- Participate in and, where relevant, facilitate restorative interventions involving children from their allocated schools
- Facilitate timely and effective information sharing between police and schools aimed at preventing and intervening as early as possible
- Co-ordinate the delivery of educative inputs by NHP PCSOs within primary schools
- Cascade learning and upskill NHP PCSOs in relation to school engagement
To contact your locality Schoolbeat officer please email:
PC Kim Murphy – Gloucester
PC Leah Davis – Cotswolds
PC Greg Steer – Forest of Dean
PC Mark Weedon – Stroud
PC Candice Palmer – Cheltenham, Tewkesbury, Gloucester
PC Pete Curtis - Tewkesbury
PC Al Forrester - Cheltenham
Or for general enquiries they can be contacted at
Online Sexual Harm
This guide has been developed to address the challenges professionals face when working with issues of online harm and young people.
It contains information about what online harm is, the specific issues facing young people, and ways professionals can effectively engage with young people and their families.
MASH - Operation Encompass
Advice and Guidance for Designated Safeguarding Leads
MASH education advice for DSLs (updated April 2021)
MASH Education Operation Encompass for DSLs
Safeguarding and Human Trafficking - a guide for professionals - June 2021
CYP and Modern Slavery_Guidance for Professionals_June 2021
DfE - Sexual violence and sexual harrassment between children in schools and colleges
Advice for governing bodies, proprietors, headteachers, principals, senior leadership teams and designated safeguarding leads
Artificially generated child sexual abuse images: Understanding and responding to concerns
The Centre of expertise on child sexual abusy have put together a useful article on what we need to know about artificially generated child sexual abuse material and how professionals can use their existing skills to respond to this kind of child sexual abuse. It explains how AI tools can be used for both positive and in harmful ways, and how you should respond if you have any concerns.
Click here to see the full article.
UK Missing Persons Unit
National and international point of contact for all missing persons and unidentified body investigations, providing specialist support to law enforcement agencies in the UK and overseas
Homepage - National Crime Agency
Tagged under: FGM, sexual exploitation, forced marriage, domestic abuse, safeguarding, GSCB, #followme, schoolbeat officers, mash, human trafficking, guidance, dfe, sexual violence, sexual harassment, AI, artificially generated child sexual abuse, sexual abuse, Images
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