Primary Teacher Training Modules
Basic First Aid
This training module includes information on making an emergency call and concepts of basic first aid.
Caring Friendships
This training module includes information on ways of making and choosing friends, online friendships, working through problems and the characteristics of friendships.
Changing Adolescent Body
This training module includes information on physical and emotional changes in puberty, including menstrual wellbeing.
Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco
This training module includes information on legal and illegal harmful substances and associated risks.
Families and People Who Care for Me
This training module includes information on the different types of family, healthy family life and marriage.
Health and Prevention
This training module includes information on signs of physical illness, sun safety, sleep, dental health, personal hygiene and allergies.
Healthy Eating
This training module includes information on a healthy diet, understanding calories, planning healthy meals and the impacts of unhealthy diets.
Internet Safety and Harms
This training module includes information on internet use, rationing and risk, online relationships, privacy and understanding online information.
Mental Wellbeing
This training module includes information on talking about emotions, self-care techniques, isolation and loneliness, the impact of bullying and getting help and support.
Online Relationships
This training module includes information on understanding how people behave online, cyberbullying and keeping safe online.
Physical Health and Fitness
This training module includes information on active lifestyles, the benefits of physical activity and the risks of an inactive lifestyle.
Respectful Relationships
This training module includes information on bullying, stereotypes and the importance of respect.