Developed in collaboration with Dr Foljambe, a GP, and Dr Sutton, a Consultant in Sexual Health, the Contraceptive Choices lesson pack explores different types of contraception and how people can make decisions about which option is right for them, as well as accessing emergency contraception and overcoming barriers to accessing sexual health services.
These lessons and videos — which can be purchased using the links below — will help you to address sexual health and relationships aspects of the statutory RSHE guidance, and can support wider learning around this topic
Ensuring your Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) lessons are inclusive and safe is often easier said than done. The primary goal of creating a safe space for RSE lessons is to create an environment where young people feel safe to share and are respectful of one another’s feeling.
An important element in creating a safe learning environment is setting a group agreement for the lesson. This is like a set of ground rules which helps to set clear boundaries so that everyone feels able to safely: • Share feelings • Express views • Explore values
Managing Questions
At both primary and secondary level, young people have a right to ask questions. However, this doesn’t mean they always need to be answered (or answered immediately). Teachers need to feel prepared to hold boundaries and empowered to shut down inappropriate questioning or comments.
Maintaing Distance
Distancing techniques should be employed throughout RSE lessons. This means not making young people share their personal experiences with others, which may potentially be traumatic or challenging. Instead, you can use characters, case studies, fictional scenarios or videos to explore a topic.
A judgement free environment
If a young person chooses to ask a question during the lesson, remember that this is often a sign that they trust you and your ability to give them an open and honest answer. Try to create a non-judgemental environment, where ideas and contributions are encouraged and are not ridiculed or mocked. If unhealthy ideas are communicated these should be challenged positively where possible and followed up after the lesson. Be aware of the language you use to avoid shame and stigma.
Keeping it relevant
Make lessons relevant to young peoples’ lived experience where possible, especially when considering the online world and how this relates to the topic. This is where continuously seeking feedback will come in useful; it will help you better understand the concerns that young people have or spot trends in the questions they are asking. It’s also worth keeping an eye on things going on in the world that might impact young people. For example, news stories or recent events that you know young people will take an interest in or may affect their lives in some way.
Key Wellbeing, PSHE & Cultural Dates Calendar 2024/25
Fertility and Pregnancy Choices - The PSHE Association fertility and pregnancy choices lessons address how fertility changes over a person’s lifetime and the factors that may affect male and female fertility, pelvic health (NEW!) and healthy pregnancy, as well as the different routes someone might take to becoming a parent.
Guidance, Information, and Articles
The Children's Society provide facts, data, and information across a range of topics including child sexual exploitation (CSE), county lines and criminal exploitation, refugees and migrants, substance misuse, and young people's wellbeing. Their website also features blogs by young people, The Children's Society's staff and other professionals.
The PSHE Association provide a SEND newsletter which is freely available to members and non-members. The newsletter is relevant to educators in mainstream and special settings who support children and young people with SEND. View and subscribe to the SEND newsletter here.
Free RSE card deck sample from Split Banana - A practical resource for educators to get more clued up on the content, narratives and approaches necessary for implementing inclusive RSE. The full resource can be purchased here
Online Pornography and Age-Verification fact sheetby the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) -a free, downloadable educational resource offering practical and research-based advice and tools when navigating difficult conversations with young people
SEN resources for staying safe onlineby Childnet - free, adaptable resources exploring topics including healthy relationships, digital wellbeing and online pornography. Suitable for use with young people aged 11+
Durex - Do SRE for schools Free SRE teaching resources with the PSHE Association Quality Mark. Self-reflection exercises, teaching guidance and lesson plans - can help deliver SRE that inspires young people.
Effective learning methods Approaches to teaching about sex and relationships within PSHE and Citizenship
Preventing sexism & sexual harassment
National Education Union have development a toolkit that helps members take the steps needed to prevent sexism and sexual harrassment in schools.
Who Can You Trust? Spotting Signs of Child Sexual Exploitation
Gang Member or Girlfriend?
CSE - Consent & The Law Quiz
Unsafe Relationship - Where Can Someone Get Help or Support
Perhaps the most difficult subject to talk about for parents and teachers. Use these posters and resources to teach your children about this important topic.
BBC News - Pornography 'desensitising young people'- A study has warned that most children are exposed to online pornography by their early teenage years. The Middlesex University study claims 53% of 11-16 year olds have seen explicit material online.
Addressing Pornography through PSHE Education This briefing draws together key research into effective education about pornography within a wider relationships and sex education curriculum. It is intended for PSHE leads and teachers who are beginning to teach about pornography and its potential harms to young people, or who are reviewing their existing PSHE education curriculum content.
What is the impact of pornography on young people? This briefing summarises some of the key research on the impact of pornography to support teachers and others in delivering this element of the curriculum.
This page has links to some of the organisations in the PSHE strategic Partners Groups but not all and to some other organisations that are not part of the group but are relevant to PSHE issues in schools
There are three elements to relationship and sex education (RSE): the acquisition of information, the development of essential life skills, and the opportunity to explore values and attitudes. This factsheet highlights these methods to ensure effective learning. Click on the heading above to download.
Sex Education Forum - Secondary Resource List: This resource list aims to provide easy reference to a wide range of available resources and teaching materials for relationship and sex education. It is not a comprehensive list but prioritised resources that are up-to-date and available. Listed under 4 categories; primary, secondary, SEN and parents. A suggested age range for each resource is given as a guide.
A new report from Public Health England suggests that the existing body of evidence 'repeatedly highlights the critical role of Personal, Social, Health & Economic (PSHE) and Relationship & Sex Education (RSE) in addressing these issues'.
Child sexual exploitation: How public health can support prevention and intervention The vast majority of children in this country have a safe and happy childhood, free from fear. However, for a vulnerable minority, childhood has quite a different meaning. It means being; targeted, groomed and subjected to appalling sexual abuse. Child sexual exploitation affects children and young people from all walks of life, male and female. The impact of abuse can be profound and devastating.
Local services and teams can take action to increase the ability of children and young people to realise they are being exploited and seek help. They can identify those children at risk and get them to the help they need. Click on the title above to read the government's guidance in more detail.
Included on the CD Rom accompanying this resource are worksheets referred to in the lesson plans, along with guidance on writing your school's RSE policy, ground rules and sample letters to parents.
For enquiries about your resource pack please contact the GHLL administration team on 01452 427 208 or email 'RSE Resource Pack' in the subject.
Roadmap to Statutory RSE
Relationships and sex education will be required in all schools. September 2020 is proposed as the start date for mandatory provision. Do you know what the new legislation means for your school?
To help school leaders prepare, the poster provides a 10 steps guide to provide high quality RSE as an identifiable part of PSHE education. These steps are based on established good practice and evidence.
Click on the link below to view a full size version of the poster.
If you're teaching PSHE to 14-16 year olds, we have a new series of films looking at sexual harassment in the workplace. They are a specifically written drama in three parts and tell the story of a professional relationship between a man and woman at work, involving an accusation of sexual harassment and an employment tribunal hearing.
Each film is accompanied by a separate discussion piece which is hosted by journalist and presenter Ben Zand. 20 young people examine how they understand the rules of behaviour in the workplace. Click here to visit the website
Schoolbeat: Gloucestershire Police Schools Unit
As a team, we have worked with the Gloucestershire Police Schools Unit in the past, producing many resources including 'Getting Court', 'Price of Parenting' and 'Toxic Tobacco Truths' in most recent years. We have worked closely with them to deliver training in schools on Drugs Education, Bullying and more specifically Cyberbullying. The Police Schools Unit have been consulted in the production of the 'Alcohol: Who would risk it?' resource launched in March 2012, and have been a valuable partner to the team.
The Child Exploitation & Online Protection Centre (CEOP) presentation and information pack of 'Think U Know' is now available for Schools. The 30 minute presentation is ideally suited to a Year 8 and Year 9 audience and can be presented to whole year groups. If you would like further information, or wish to make a booking please e-mail: For general enquiries contact
Under the Children and Social Work Act 2017, the government committed to making relationships education (primary) and relationships and sex education (secondary) statutory in all schools, including LA maintained schools, academies, free schools and independent schools. All secondary schools will soon be required to have relationships and sex education in place and a relationships and sex education policy. Schools that are ready to implement the updated guidance from September 2019 are encouraged to do so. September 2020 is proposed as the start date for mandatory provision.This pack provides practical support for you as a PSHE education lead to implement the statutory changes for RSE effectively within your PSHE curriculum. To be effective, RSE should always be taught within a broader PSHE education programme. RSE enhances and is enhanced by learning around, for example, online safety, mental health, drugs and alcohol, and thedevelopment of skills and attributes such as risk management, resilience and decision making.
Depending on where your school is on its journey towards implementing statutory relationships and sex education, it may feel like there is a lot to organise, or you may feel that what you currently have in place is sufficient. In any case, by reviewing your current practice and making a plan of steps forward, you will find that your school vision for RSE takes shape. The tools referenced within this document will enable you to focus on key areas that require development and using them will ultimately mean that you will be better prepared for the introduction of statutory RSE within your PSHE curriculum.
It is important to remember that there are many opportunities to seek further advice and guidance, both from members of your school (such as SLT, governors and your teaching team), and from national organisations such as the PSHE Association.
With the growth in film, video and website content — alongside technological developments in how and where people can easily access it — young people need increasing support to safely navigate the world of visual media. This free PSHE lesson pack: ‘Making Choices: Sex, Relationships and BBFC Age ratings’ from the BBFC (British Board of Film Classification) helps students to explore the impact of viewing different types of relationships in the media, make effective choices about the content they view and resist pressure to watch something they don’t want to. The lessons promote risk assessment, decision making, self-regulation, resilience and media literacy.
Managing Healthy and Unhealthy Relationship Behaviours
Medway Secondary PSHE Education - Teacher Guidance. These lessons are designed to support schools to meet statutory requirements regarding the importance of healthy relationships.
This guidance has been written to accompany the Environment Agency’s two lessons for key stage 4 exploring values within the context of career choices. The lessons guide students to consider how their values can inform their career choice in order to make a difference to their local and global community, and how holding and acting upon values can affect wellbeing. Teachers should read and consider this guidance first, before delivering the lessons. Click here to view the guidance.
You'll find everything you need on the link below. From lesson plans to video resources and everything in between, we hope you enjoy using it and find it a useful resource.
Young trans people aged 16-24 have got together and created this useful resource booklet. You'll find signposts to more information throughout this booklet. Information gathered through Gendered Intelligence, Queer Youth Network and Gay Youth UK to get a better picture of what to include, such as; body positivity, relationships, hormones, sexual functioning, surgery, contraception, pregnancy and most importantly access to services. Click on the heading above to download the resource. We need to understand how young people are engaging with technology if we are to keep them safe from abuse, exploitation and blackmail.
This PSHE provision for Key Stages 3 & 4 aims to ensure a broad and balanced curriculum can be delivered. Part of a three year PSHE development plan. Materials are designed to introduce concepts and issues in a fast paced, engaging manner.
One of the hardest things about being a parent is seeing your children feeling hurt in their friendships and relationships. Yet young people cannot be shielded from every insult and argument; it’s an important part of growing up.
It’s vital to be aware of the difference between behaviour that can be thought of as ‘rites of passage’, and behaviour which has more serious implications.
The FPA want young women, men and teenagers to have relationships that are free from abuse. Educating young people and teenagers about domestic abuse is one of the most effective ways of preventing abuse in future relationships.
The FPA provide a range of contraceptive booklets which answer commonly asked questions about every method of contraception available in the UK. They've been developed using expert medical advice.
Their sexually transmitted infections (STIs) booklets answer frequently asked questions about the most common STIs, and were developed following extensive consumer research.
SexWise provides honest advice about contraception, pregnancy, STIs and pleasure.
Information on STIs- Sexually transmitted infections. Anyone sexually active can get one. Find out more about symptoms, treatment and how to protect yourself.
Contraception - Contraception helps protect you from pregnancy. There are different methods to choose from. Find out all about them and compare different methods.
Write to SexWise: 23-28 Penn Street, London, N1 5DL
Articles, Videos, and Films
Talking Period Taboos1000 girls interviewed, almost half were too embarrassed to talk about them. 1 in 7 didn't even know what was happening when they started their period for the first time. "We learned about periods from a book that was being passed around. Girls would ask each other "have you started yet? I wasn't sure what I was supposed to have started, but (to not be left out) I just said yes" - 09.10.17 BBC News.
When sex goes wrong. What happens when sex goes wrong? In this new series of bold animations, Brook looks at real life stories of sexual encounters that didn't go quite as planned. The films use humour to reassure people that sex is rarely 'perfect' and that goo sex should be about consent, pleasure and communication, rather than unrealistic expectations.
What does your period cost you?British women spend £18,000 on their periods over their lifetime, but why is it a subject we still find difficult to talk about? ~ video from BBC Three.
Want to know why young people are sexting? Try asking them. An article by Iman Amrani highlighting the need for politicians, parents and teachers to understand young people and consent, sexting and pornography. Embarrassed silence followed, when asked if they felt they could talk to teachers or parents about these things! We know young people are going to experiment sexually- and that they will do so via mobile phones shouldn't come as a shock - 01/12/16 Guardian News.
#MeToo: 5 things we can all do now to tackle sexual harassment.As thousands of women around the world shared painful uncomfortable experiences on social media under the hashtag #MeToo, one group, for the most part - stayed quiet: men. Part of the silence came from a fear of being lambasted as a rape apologiser. In some instances, it was a deep-set insecurity about whether they have acted inappropriately in the past, which kept men shtum. - 24/10/17 The Telegraph.
BAFTA - winning platform releases free sex-ed for secondary schools. A BAFTA-winning education resource platform has released ashort comedy film to support sex and relationships education in secondary schools. Screwball! is suitable for years 8 through 11, and follows two 17-year-olds who are preparing to (possibly) have sex for the first time. This free-to-access film explores the sensitive issues that young people face, such as; consent, the influence of pornography, body confidence and the normalisation of sexting. - 25/06/17
DO... A Comprehensive & Free Solution to Secondary School RSE
The programme has been created by the DO... collaboration, a group of leading Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) organisations and experts, including charities such as Brook, National Aids Trust, FPA, BISH, The Mix, and RSE Hub, supported by Durex. The programme brings positive and truly inclusive RSE to schools.
Gambling-related advertising promotes novel opportunities for young people to engage in potentially unhealthy behaviours. While for many people gambling is a pleasurable activity done in moderation, for a minority it can lead to substantial problems so it is important that young people are aware of the potential risks and ways to manage them. This free resource from Demos and GambleAware has been launched following a pilot study showing the effectiveness of such prevention education in schools. The PSHE Association were involved in the initial study and resource development and have granted the resource our Quality Mark.
PSHE Association Subject Specialist Anne Bell says: “Tried and tested resources such as these can help teachers to effectively address the development of skills and attributes which can help young people to manage risk in various situations. This resource has proven its capacity to deliver learning on gambling effectively whilst also supporting learning in other connected PSHE topic areas.”
Sex Education Forum: 5 ways to get ready for statutory RSE (09/08/2018)
With the draft RSE guidance out for consultation, and Government plans announced for a phased 2019-20 start date, there is lots to do for schools to get ready for statutory RSE.
Sex Education Forum is here to guide you and below is a list of things we recommend that you focus on this September.
Childline has launched a campaign to help young people understand the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships, and help them identify signs that their relationship might not be quite right. 'Looking out for Lottie’, an eight part series, follows a fictional character Lottie who gets into an unhealthy relationship, showing how grooming can happen without realising it.
World AIDS Day takes place on the 1st December each year. It’s an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV, to show support for people living with HIV, and to commemorate those who have died from an AIDS-related illness. Founded in 1988, World AIDS Day was the first ever global health day.
Why is World AIDS Day important?
Over 101,000 people are living with HIV in the UK. Globally, there are an estimated 36.7 million people who have the virus. Despite the virus only being identified in 1984, more than 35 million people have died of HIV or AIDS, making it one of the most destructive pandemics in history.
Today, scientific advances have been made in HIV treatment, there are laws to protect people living with HIV and we understand so much more about the condition. Despite this, each year in the UK around 5,000 people are diagnosed with HIV, people do not know the facts about how to protect themselves and others, and stigma and discrimination remain a reality for many people living with the condition.
World AIDS Day is important because it reminds the public and government that HIV has not gone away – there is still a vital need to raise money, increase awareness, fight prejudice and improve education.
What should I do on World AIDS Day?
World AIDS Day is an opportunity to show solidarity with the millions of people living with HIV worldwide. Most people do this by wearing an HIV awareness red ribbon on the day. You can order a red ribbon through our online shop, or pick one up in a MAC Cosmetics shop and selected branches of Morrisons.
You can also order a free pack of 100 ribbons to fundraise for the National AIDS Trust. World AIDS Day is a great opportunity to raise money for NAT, which will help to champion the rights of people living with HIV in the UK. Visit the World AIDS Day fundraising webpage for ideas, or contact someone in the fundraising team for more information.
Following Up After World AIDS Day
World AIDS Day may be once a year, but you can still support people living with HIV all year round. Sign up to NAT’s mailing list to stay up-to-date with new developments in HIV, and learn how you can get involved as an activist or as a volunteer.
Public Health England
Lesson packs from Rise Above for Schools have been awarded the PSHE Association's Quality Mark
Public Health England’s new Rise Above KS3 lesson plan pack on puberty, KS3&4 pack on dealing with change and KS2 lesson plan on transition to secondary schoolhave received the PSHE Association Quality Mark for high-quality PSHE education resources. These free PSHE resources are designed to help students understand and manage the changes that may happen as they transition into adulthood and learn about ways to manage and cope with these changes. Each lesson plan pack includes an engaging lesson plan, editable PowerPoint presentation, real-life scenarios and interactive videos, which all aim to encourage peer-to-peer discussion.
PSHE Association Subject Specialist Jenny Fox says about the puberty lesson that:"This lesson provides an opportunity for students to reflect on the impact of puberty on both the body and mind, as well as offering advice to others about how to manage the changes experienced during puberty. Subject leads and teachers will find it really useful when planning the RSE aspects of their PSHE curriculum."PSHE Association Subject Specialist Sally Martin said about the transition to secondary school lesson plan that:“Year 6 pupils may worry about moving on to secondary school – this PSHE education lesson helps pupils explore feelings and strategies for managing the change and knowing what to expect. It includes interactive group activities and discussion that will help reassure pupils and help them prepare. It would fit well within a school’s planned programme of PSHE, when pupils are learning about change, growing up, managing feelings and how preparing ahead can help with transition.”
Aligning Changes to Ofsted & RSE
The roll-out of a new Ofsted framework September 2019, resets the compass on school inspection, and comes just 12 months ahead of new requirements for mandatory Relationships and Sex Education. As schools prepare for both changes, we look at how these two reforms align.
As Jaz and Charlie make a final attempt to keep their relationship alive, one of them comes out as non-binary (meaning they don’t identify as male or female), sparking a conversation that will change them both forever.
From September 2020, schools must begin delivery of statutory Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education. To support this process GHLL have designed a simplified version of the curriculum requirements (beginning with RSE).
Suggested reading and resources
How to use this document
RAG rate the curriculum content.
What are you doing well?
What do you do that could/should be developed further?
Do you require support to enable these developments?
‘Working out Relationships?’ is a free-to-access lesson pack designed to bust common myths about the ‘perfect relationship’ and manage young people’s relationship expectations. We have just awarded it our Quality Mark for PSHE teaching resources.
The lessons draw on findings from an innovative 10-year research project on what helps long term relationships to thrive, and have been produced by academics at the University of Exeter. These materials will support planning for statutory Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) from September.
Built around a short animation and accompanying infographic, the interactive 2-part lesson plans feature two fictitious 16-year old couples. One relationship involves a controlling partner, and pupils will learn how to identify and avoid such relationships and — where necessary — how to exit one safely. In lesson two, pupils will learn strategies to start to build positive, potentially lasting, relationships of their own.
The pack includes PowerPoint lessons one and two, accompanying teaching guides, video and infographic. The University will supply A4 and A3 laminated copies of the infographic for classroom walls free of charge on request.
Siobhan Baille Concerned about Sexual Harrassment of Schoolgirls in Stroud
MP Siobhan Baillie has met with pupils from Stroud High School for Girls to discuss a survey they undertook looking at sexism and violence against women and to discuss their experiences of sexual harassment.
Siobhan met with the pupils from years eight to 11 recently and she was presented with the results of a survey they undertook among 80 Year 9 students.
Switched on! Rail safety programme that encourages young people to stay Switched On around the railway
Switched on! is a new rail safety programme for 3-16 year olds through a range of age targeted films, interactive games and classroom activities. Switched on teaches pupils to be aware of risky behaviour and develop hazard-spotting skills. Switched on has the following resources split into age categories=
An essential guide to best practice in PSHE education at key stages 3 and 4. The book was co-authored by leading PSHE academic Jenny McWhirter, PSHE Association Senior Subject Specialist Jenny Barksfield, and our Subject Specialist Nick Boddington. It was written with trainee teachers and their mentors in mind but is equally valuable for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of PSHE education pedagogy and practice. This new book joins Understanding Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education in Primary Schools, also available from SAGE Publications. Both books provide a thorough grounding in the theory underpinning PSHE education, practical approaches to teaching it and the evidence which supports these approaches. The publications are a definitive guide to best practice and include guidance on:
Key stage 4/5: Consent for Students (High Education)
Brook have a online course to help students identify what consent means and summarise the laws around sexual consent. It will help foster a positive culture of consent on your campus and lead to healthier sexual relationships in your community.
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
Identify what consent means
Explain what counts as sex or sexual activity
Describe some of the factors involved in giving and getting consent
Summarise the laws relating to sexual consent
Identify myths about sex, sexual violence, rape and consent
Understand scenarios where consent has been sought and given and where it has not
Describe the range of thoughts and feelings that someone might have when considering having sex
Identify verbal and non-verbal methods of communication and consent
Teaching relationships education to prevent sexual abuse- Research Report September 2024
Published in September 2024 this new research project builds on the findings of Ofsted’s 2021 Review of sexual abuse in schools and colleges. The Ofsted review commented on how prevalent sexual harassment and online sexual abuse have become for children and young people: “It is concerning that for some children, incidents are so commonplace that they see no point in reporting them.” The report went on to recommend the need for:
“[A] carefully sequenced RSHE curriculum, based on the Department for Education’s (DfE’s) statutory guidance, that specifically includes sexual harassment and sexual violence, including online. This should include time for open discussion of topics that children and young people tell us they find particularly difficult, such as consent and the sending of ‘nudes.’” – Ofsted
Following the publication of revised statutory guidance for relationships, sex and health education, the DfE is looking to provide further support for schools in teaching about sexual harassment, sexual violence, and violence against women and girls. The primary aim of this project was to conduct a review of evidence to inform further support for schools and to ensure that this support is based on the best possible evidence, particularly of best practice. The evidence review was conducted employing the technique of a Rapid Evidence Assessment (REA). The methodology and steps to conducting an REA are presented in the section below. As a secondary aim, this project also identified evidence gaps and areas requiring further research. Finally, another key aim of the project was the development of a list of key recommendations for further support for schools. The recommendations are based on (i) the literature reviewed, and (ii) advice, expertise and additional evidence shared by a group of sector experts formed specifically for this project (which is described as the ‘Expert Group’ in the rest of this report).
This report presents the results of the REA, providing a comprehensive review of evidence on teaching interventions to prevent sexual abuse, and the list of recommendations produced based on the findings of the REA and inputs from the Expert Group.
Useful Guidance for Schools from "School of Sexuality Education"
Useful information and resources for parents, carers, school leaders and young people on a variety of subjects including Online Sexual Harassment, Incel Movement, Sexual Violence Prevention, Image-based sexual harassment and abuse, School uniform guidance and a RSHE Policy Guide. Click here to view the resources
Trauma Informed Schools Wales 10 Quick Steps to "Transforming Behaviour, Improving Well-Being & Mental Health in Schools"
Check out these 10 quick steps to empower schools and communities to support children and young people to talk about their feelings, experiences and painful life events with an emotionally available adult, with tips on how to take care of yourself in order to provide this for the young people you work with.