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Secondary Financial Capability


Personal Finance

Key Stage 4: Real Money

A financial awareness role play activity, created by the Personal Development and Future Choices Department at Newent Community School and Sixth From for Key Stage 4 students.

The aim of the game is to provide students with an opportunity to work in groups and consider issues around financial management. At the outset, students are given a job role; they remain in this role throughout the game.

In small groups, students eventually select a house to rent and look at financial issues surrounding independent living.

By the end of the session, students will have an understanding of pay-slips, individual household budgeting, savings, credit and debit and debt.

Download the Real Money resource

Key Stage 5 Guidance, Resources, and Articles

Personal Finance Education Group - ideas for teaching resources in My Money Week as well as other resources concerning personal finance.

NatWest - My Money Sense - finance education support materials.

Paying for It - a free educational resource aimed at raising economic awareness in 14 to 18-year-olds.

Fool - Stock investing advice.

Money Advice Service - Free and impartial money advice.

The Mix - Home Truths information pack provides real home truths to make sure young people are ready for what's to come!

Young Money - Free Financial Education Planning Frameworks for 11-19 years

Whatever we do with money, we need to manage it well. A planned programme of financial education, combining mathematics, citizenship and PSHE education, can help give children and young people the confidence, skills and knowledge they need to manage their money, now and in the future.

Young Money (formerly pfeg) has created free Financial Education Planning Frameworks for 11 - 19 years.

Secondary Financial Education Planning Framework


Tax Facts by HMRC

Free resources and lessons designed by a team of educational experts, Tax Facts is curriculum-linked, available to teachers to support young people as they plan for future life and work by building essential life skills. Split into 2 set of resources for different age groups-

Junior Tax Facts – for children aged 8 to 13 – introduces the idea that as responsible citizens, we all make contributions towards the things that benefit everyone.

Tax Facts – for students aged 14 to 17 – equips young adults with what they need to know about tax as they prepare for the world of work, the role their tax plays in the wider community, as well as who HMRC are and the different careers they offer.

Plus, you can request a visit from an HMRC employee to help deliver the lesson in class, making it an even more valuable learning experience for students – not to mention help achieve Gatsby Benchmarks!

To be find out more and be able to access and download everything you need to deliver a full lesson as well as a full suite of free, curriculum linked resources please visit the national schools partnership website here.


Tagged under: Key Stage 4, Key Stage 5, financial, money, HMRC, Tax,