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 Pupil Wellbeing Survey 2024 

Pupil Wellbeing Survey 2024 is now closed

🎉The Pupil Wellbeing Survey is now closed!🎉 

Thank you to all schools, colleges and staff who have supported in the completion of the survey. We really appreciate the combined effort of all staff and children and young people in completing the survey. We have had over 23,000 responses which will be invaluable to the decisions made by the council and other public services in supporting children and young people in Gloucestershire.

The survey data will also help you to have a better insight into what your children and young people are saying and how this can help shape the ‘whole school approach’. A data summary for each school will be sent directly by the end of the academic year and a whole county report with headline trends and data highlights will follow. In addition to previous reports, the 2024 survey will reveal insights into emerging topics such as gaming, poverty, vaping and gambling.

The 2022 county level headline report and deep dives on certain topics are available here:

Pupil Wellbeing Survey (formerly Online Pupil Survey) | Inform Gloucestershire

Thank you once again for all your efforts in making the 2024 Pupil Wellbeing Survey a success.

If you have any queries please contact Maria Arthurs-Hartnett at - 


The Pupil Wellbeing Survey (PWS) is an important longitudinal anonymous survey which asks children and young people in specific year groups questions about their physical and emotional health and wellbeing as well as aspects such as bullying, home life and relationships.  A survey for educational settings has been administered throughout Gloucestershire every 2 years since 2006. The findings from children and young people in Gloucestershire aged 8 to 18 years old are providing essential information on addressing children and young people’s needs. Longitudinal data is used to track trends and the data is key in planning, developing, and improving the services provided in the county.

Survey topics Include:

  • Physical Activity
  • Healthy Eating
  • Screen Time
  • Bullying
  • Adverse Childhood Experiences (Year 10 and FE surveys only)
  • Mental Health and Wellbeing
  • Health Harming Behaviours
  • Representation, Diversity and Inequalities
  • Relationships and Healthy Sexual Behaviours

As in previous years, participating schools and colleges will be provided with a report on the results from their setting and key data will also be available via the GHLL Review tool. We anticipate the school reports being available from July 2024.

The 2022 county level headline report and deep dives on certain topics are available here:

Pupil Wellbeing Survey (formerly Online Pupil Survey) | Inform Gloucestershire

The Pupil Wellbeing Survey replaces the  Online Pupil Survey - OPS , which was developed by Foster and Brown in partnership with Gloucestershire Children and Young People’s Strategic Partnership to find out what children and young people really think about a range of health-related issues. It has been administered throughout Gloucestershire every 2 years since 2006. The findings from over 70,000 children and young people in Gloucestershire aged 8 to 18 years old are providing essential information addressing children and young people’s needs. Longitudinal data has been used to track if there are improvements in health and wellbeing related outcomes and the data is key in planning, developing and improving the services provided.

The Pupil Wellbeing Survey will continue to build on the data that has been collected by the Online Pupil Survey, with the majority of questions remaining the same and some new questions added, making it possible to analyse longitudinal trends and identify meaningful interventions.






Tagged under: pupil voice, pupil wellbeing survey, pupil inform, pws 2024

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