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About Us




Our services help children who’ve been abused, protect children at risk and find the best ways to prevent child abuse from ever happening.

As part of our fight for every childhood, we work directly with children and families in our national and regional hubs across the UK and Channel Islands and give support to thousands of adults and young people in need through our Helpline service and Childline.

We work with schools up and down the country through our Speak Out Stay Safe programme, helping children to keep themselves safe.

And our projects such as Together for Childhood help children who’ve experienced abuse, support parents, and work to transform the way communities come together to prevent child cruelty.

Find out more about our services here.


Information for Professionals and Volunteers 

Whether working directly with families or providing support to professionals, our services are here to help protect children today and prevent abuse tomorrow.

We work in communities and schools across the UK and Channel Islands. We learn what works in child protection and we use this knowledge to improve our own work, as well as sharing insight and evidence with others.

Because, together, we can help keep even more children and young people safe.

Find out more on NSPCC Learning here.

Training courses

New Podcast: How Domestic Abuse effects Cihildren

NSPCC Learning has published a podcast episode on the effects of domestic abuse on children, young people and babies. The episode features representatives from Childline and the NSPCC Helpline discussing: what children are telling Childline about domestic abuse and how this differs from what adults are telling the Helpline; the ways in which the effects of domestic abuse may present through a child’s behaviour; the importance of listening to the voice of the child; and safeguarding actions for professionals who identify domestic abuse.

Listen to the podcast: Podcast: How domestic abuse affects children
Watch on YouTube: How domestic abuse affects children

Resources for Schools

View a comprehensive list of NSPCC resources and services for school pupils, staff and parents/carers here.


NSPCC helpline

The NSPCC has a dedicated helpline for adults available Monday – Friday 10am – 8pm. This can be used by parents, family members, carers or professionals who would like guidance on any aspect of caring for a child. It can also be used to report a concern about a child. The number is 0808 800 5000. You can also email



Our Childline service for young people is available by phone 24/7, 365 days of the year on 0800 1111

Young people can also speak to a Childline counsellor by email or virtual chat. You can visit Get Support | Childline for more information about these services.


Contact Us

Lizzie Coburn - NSPCC Schools Co-ordinator Gloucestershire

02921 671564 / 07710 147821




Tagged under: pants song, Key Stage 1, Key Stage 2, consent, sexual exploitation, CSE, dangerous drugs, drugs, domestic abuse,

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