Parent Helplines and Support
Following from the successful launch of our Parent Support and Advice Line, a series of Parent Support Groups have been launched. The service is for parents living in Gloucestershire who are worried about the mental health and emotional wellbeing of their child (between the ages of 11-18).
Funded by NHS Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group, the service will provide many support groups. Groups will take place on a variety of days and times at Gloucester, Forest of Dean and Cheltenham venues. See the Parent support group leaflet.
Research demonstrates that involving parents in supporting their child’s emotional/mental health and wellbeing, ensures young people have better experiences and more positive outcomes. Providing parent support is also shown to prevent later use of both physical and mental health services. Previous pilot groups run by TIC+ have shown that parents continue to meet and support each other after the formal group ends! We are therefore very excited by the impact this service will have for children, young people and their families in Gloucestershire.
Further details including dates of support groups can be found on the new Parent Support Group page of tic's website.
Resources and Support for Parents, Carers, and Families:
GCC Early Years information for parents and carers subjects including, support with the Graduated Pathway and funding processes plus much more;
Young Minds Parents Helpline is a free helpline offering confidential, expert advice: 0808 802 5544;
Family Lives is the membership body for parenting support and education. It exists to achieve better parenting by raising awareness of parenting issues and improving the performance of the parenting workforce;
Parent Zone is devoted to providing expert information to families and schools, focussing on the impact of digital technologies on families;
Parent Info is a collaboration between CEOP and Parent Zone providing information, resources and training for parents and those who work with them;
Thinkuknow for Parents can help with talking to your child about sex, relationships, and their lives online;
Family Man offers proven parenting strategies developed alongside leading global child behaviour experts and designed with dads in mind;
Macmillan Telephone Buddies provides support if you need to talk about your cancer via a weekly call from a Telephone Buddy. Find out more and sign up on the MacMillan Telephone Buddies website or call the support line on 0800 808 0000 (available 7 days a week, 8am-8pm);
Confident Championing is a grounded theory of parental adjustment following a child's diagnosis of developmental disability.
- 10 questions to ask a teenager to start an important conversation An article with advice from experts in teen mental health on how to talk with adolescents.
Money, The Cost-of-living Crisis and Mental Health
Information on the links between money and mental health, how to support your child's wellbeing and look after yourself in the cost-of-living crisis, and where to find practical and financial support for your family.
Money, the cost-of-living crisis and mental health | YoungMinds
Slang Dictionary
St Giles slang dictionary
Unwanted Prisoner Contact
The Unwanted Prisoner Contact (formerly Victims Helpline) is a national service that prevents victims including survivors of domestic abuse, or any member of the public, receiving unwanted contact from prisoners.
It is a hugely important service. It protects victims and witnesses from unwanted contact. This is especially important if the victim is vulnerable or subject to controlling or coercive behaviour, exploitation, harassment, or intimidation. Preventing contact is critical in stopping further harm or trauma, maintaining confidence, and supporting prosecutions.
Unwanted prisoner contact briefing sheet
Information, Training and Resources for Practitioners Supporting Families
The Information for Practitioners webpage provides a centralised point of reference for professionals. This section has been designed to support work with families to ensure that practitioners have the most current information.
A Parent Relatonships Matter Programme is available to help practitioners support adults experiencing inter-parental conflict, in order to minimise consequential negative and long-lasting implications on children and young people in the family. The programme covers:
Defining parental relationships
The impact of delayed conflict resolution
Distinguishing between conflict and domestic abuse
Why or when to get involved with other people's relationships
Practitioners can book Parent Relationships Matter (PRM) training via this webpage.
Promote the programme and training in your setting with the following posters:
MS Society Community Connections Project 
The MS Society Community Connections Project provides support for those living with and affected by Multiple Sclerosis. Click here to see their leaflet which details support available from guidance on finances, support with referrals, welbeing advice and personalised help from the team.
Tagged under: parents, carers, families, children, young people, teens, teenagers, kids, tweens, helpline, support groups, tic+, helplines, support, advice, MacMillan, Family Man, sex, relationships, internet safety, MS, Multiple Sclerosis
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